Palestinian Authority Demands Control of Gaza Strip

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The Palestinian Authority, led by Mahmoud Abbas, is calling for its control over the Gaza Strip once the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas comes to an end. The PA has stated its readiness to take responsibility for ending the suffering of the Palestinian people, highlighting that efforts are underway in both regional and international arenas, particularly with Egypt, to halt the “genocide” and facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza.

According to Baruch Yedid’s report on i24NEWS, Egypt has granted Hamas the authority to set up a management council for Gaza, excluding the Palestinian Authority from this process.

This statement from the PA may be connected to ongoing discussions regarding the establishment of a Gaza Strip Management Council, which is intended to play a key role in the framework of a ceasefire agreement.

The PA was ousted from Gaza by Hamas in a 2007 coup, and since then, multiple attempts to reach a reconciliation agreement with Hamas to form a unity government have been unsuccessful.

{ Israel}



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