Pandemic Set Off Deadly Rise In Speeding That Hasn’t Stopped

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Motorists put the pedal to the metal during the pandemic and police are worried as roads get busy with the final stretch of summer travel.

The latest data shows the number of highway deaths in 2020 was the greatest in more than a decade even though cars and trucks drove fewer miles during the pandemic.

Traffic deaths nationwide in 2020 grew about 7.2% to 38,680 even though there was a 13.2% reduction in the number of miles traveled, according to the NHTSA estimates. It was the deadliest year on highways since 2007.

Read more at NEWSMAX




  1. We need a crackdown on these dangerous cars. More speed cameras and checkpoints to catch people driving dangerously, with tougher penalties to deter such behavior. Driving is not a right, it is a privilege.

    Also, everyone in any car or truck must wear a helmet, driver or passenger, adult or child, to protect themselves from these tens of thousands of deaths, and many more injuries.

    • What? Do you want them to say that jabs cause people to drive out of control and many of them have already perished while driving. They will blame it on Covid until idiots will tell them that Covid is a hoax.

  2. Objectively, the scamdemic itself was nothing more than a glorified cold virus, at least judging by the total amount of fatalities during the last year and a half versus the pre-scamdemic average fatalities for a year and a half. However, all the Faucistic “cures” caused more damage than the scamdemic itself. One such damage was a psychological damage, which often manifests itself in antisocial behaviors such as idiotic-driving. Remember to obey Herr Fauci, or no soup for you!


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