The Democrats have gotten rid of a long-standing House rule, known as “motion to recommit,” that permits the minority party to change legislation on the floor before a vote.
A Las Vegas Review-Journal editorial condemned the move, which the Democrats carried out this week as the majority party passed the rules that will govern the chamber for the next two years.
The editorial said that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi feared that, without a rule change, the GOP could force Democrats to cast votes on controversial issues that may harm them politically in the next election, especially moderate members, given the rise of the party’s radical progressive wing.
The GOP never made a similar move when they controlled the majority, with Republican Rep. Tom Cole pointing out that “This is a right that has been guaranteed to the minority for well over a century. With today’s changes, the majority is seeking to silence views they are afraid of.”
That change was not the only damage done by the Democrats, according to the Review-Journal, as Democrats also essentially eliminated a requirement that legislation which boosts the deficit be offset with cuts elsewhere.
Read more at NEWSMAX.
Decency and fair play are increasingly out the window. I’ll continue to vote Republican because the GOP’s views more closely align with my own, but I’m under no illusion that either party won’t do anything in its power to increase its own power.
So Ms. Pelosi wants that there should be a majority Democrat Congress and Senate and no opposition whatsoever! Is this what the American taxpayers want?
In case you were wondering why the protest…