Pelosi Complains About Israeli’s Opposition To Iran Deal

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Thursday that she and Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid clashed during their meeting in Washington last week about the value of the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran and the consequences of the U.S. withdrawal from the deal.

“I have a good rapport with our ally. Israel is a close friend of ours, but they were still talking about, ‘What are we going to do? [Iran is] so far down the line,’” Pelosi said, recounting her conversation with Lapid. “We’re like, ‘Well, yeah, that’s why we had the agreement.’ But they just don’t seem to see that walking away from the agreement enabled the Iranians to be farther down the line.”

Pelosi’s comments came during a virtual event on Thursday organized by the Ploughshares Fund regarding U.S. nuclear policy and nuclear security. Ploughshares raised, and paid out, significant sums to activists and news organizations to support the deal in 2015, and reportedly requested $750,000 from George Soros’s Open Societies Foundation for their efforts.

The House speaker further lamented the Israeli “mobilization that was there against us,” as well as the “forces in our communities who were lobbying very heavily against the agreement” while she was working to build support in her caucus in 2015.

Read more at Jewish Insider.



  1. Another indication that the Democrat Party leadership is truly anti-Israel and basically a full fledged supporter of anti-Israel terror. We need to daven daily that these vermin be eradicated. Yes, Nadler, too.

    • Idiot, don’t you see this is and old rehashed report and the Pelosi pictured is a far cry from the one who got the coronavirus shot?

  2. What an unthoughtful selfish lady, this Pelosi is. She lives with husband Paul in an all white gated community. She has no threats of rockets being fired into he upscale white neighborhood. Israel, on the other hand, faces constant threats from within and from without. Iran has promised they will wipe Israel off the face of the earth. How much more does this spoiled privileged elitist lady have to hear?!

  3. Basically, Jerusalem is a lot closer to Tehran than San Francisco, and even a brain that was Botoxed into paralysis should have retained a basic understanding of geopolitics.


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