Pence Fuels Speculation Of 2024 Presidential Bid

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Former Vice President Mike Pence’s visit to New Hampshire last week and stops in other high-profile early primary states are fueling speculation about a potential 2024 presidential run — and questions about whether he can win over the GOP voters he angered on Jan. 6, Politico reports.

In New Hampshire, Pence made a number of campaign-style stops, attending a fundraiser for Republican state Senate candidates, meeting with local political activists and stopping by a local bakery.

While the former vice president insists that he is laser-focused on bolstering support for Republican candidates running in 2022, New Hampshire is the latest early primary state he’s visited as he works to navigate political life after former President Trump.

In his most direct comments to date, Pence did not rule out a potential 2024 bid, even if Trump also entered the race, as the former president is increasingly hinting he’ll do.

“I can honestly tell you in 2023, my family and I will do what we have always done. We’ll reflect, we’ll pray and determine where we might best serve, and we’ll go where we’re called,” Pence told a CNN reporter in Manchester, N.H., on Wednesday. Read more at Politico.



  1. Mike Pence is a God fearing righteous gentile from the Bible Belt of this country. As a proud registered Republican in NYC (sorry, askanim), I would vote for him in a heartbeat, if DeSantis decides not to run. If DeSantis does decide to run, I would have to analyze the candidates a little more thoroughly be”h. I will NOT vote for former President Trump in the primaries! In 2016 I voted for Mike Huckabee.

  2. If he does run all those who lectured us about why we can’t support Trump since he is such a jerk will quickly decide that we shouldn’t be basing our votes on the candidates character after all.

  3. On the one hand, he’s a true friend of the Jews. On the other, he’s nowhere near tough enough. Trump’s worst early appointments should have been prevented by Pence and his transition team instead of promoted. He did nothing to curb Fauci and the other Faucists while he headed the COVID-19 task force.


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