The People for Ethical Treatment of Animals said that the National Institutes of Health leadership should resign, including Dr. Anthony Fauci.
“Our position is clear. ALL those in leadership at NIH, including Fauci, should resign,” PETA tweeted on Friday afternoon.
The tweet comes after a White Coat Waste report claimed that more than $400,000 in taxpayer funding was spent on experiments that involved beagles being given an experimental drug, then infested with disease-carrying flies. Fox News has not independently verified whether these experiments took place. NIH provided a statement to Fox News about the report in October. That statement did not deny these types of experiments took place or that NIH funded them.
“Anthony Fauci and all the NIH directors have defended a cruel, archaic system for far too long. It’s time for them to get out of the way and let modern scientists take over,” said Kathy Guillermo, senior vice president for laboratory investigations at PETA. “They’ve known for at least a decade that torturing dogs, monkeys and other animals is delaying treatments and cures for humans, but they continually defend the status quo — at the cost of millions of animal lives and billions of tax dollars.
“PETA urges all Americans to ask President Biden to appoint NIH leaders who understand that organs-on-a-chip, super computers, 3-D tissue models and other high-tech research methods must replace animals in the laboratory now.”
Read more at Fox News.
PETA = Please Eat The Animals.
Our position is clear! Reminds me of my 2 year old demanding candy saying I am a big boy and you cant deny my rights!
The crazy guys at PEYA complaining? And people actually listen to these nut cases?
This is one thing we can agree with them about, it’s time for this Rasha to go!
Fauxi is gone and where’s Peta with the other elites who’ve committed more crimes against animals and humans?