H’ should send nechama to the victims families. Hopefully some hishtadlus lessons were learned. Perhaps our people will understand that sticking one’s head in the sand is not a viable strategy. Easily obtainable NJ firearms permit allows firearms at home and place of business. No need for a carry permit for a business owner to be armed. There is no excuse not to have a 12 gauge shotgun in every Jewish store. H’ is in charge obviously, but we still have a chiuv to physically save Jewish lives.
B’zeh hasha’ar, lo yavo tza’ar
b’zeh hamakom t’hei brachah v’shalom…
H’ should send nechama to the victims families. Hopefully some hishtadlus lessons were learned. Perhaps our people will understand that sticking one’s head in the sand is not a viable strategy. Easily obtainable NJ firearms permit allows firearms at home and place of business. No need for a carry permit for a business owner to be armed. There is no excuse not to have a 12 gauge shotgun in every Jewish store. H’ is in charge obviously, but we still have a chiuv to physically save Jewish lives.