With no masks and no distancing they could of used the shteeble.
In most of these photos there are no masks. The guys with the Aliyahs and hagbeh and gelilah – no masks.
The minyan was great “al pi kabooleh”
Or better “ al pi sod” but in practicality it is or was all worthless – except for the guys on the porches.
Some of these photos have people who are not practicing proper social distancing. Krias Hatorah should be do with the Bal Kriah getting all of the aliyos
It is more than a little ironic that some of the pictures you posted clearly show people not following social distancing, not wearing masks etc. And they are followed by pictures and the names of the people who passed away R”L form the Corona virus.
which hurts more, the pain of not being able to daven with a normal minyan or the pain of watching people decide that they know better than the doctors and the rebbeim?
Don’t be so concerned, unless you’re just as equally concerned about all their other family needs, ie. Parnasa, shalom bayis, shidduchim, tuition payments, children getting into yeshivos/ bais yaakovs, etc… I’m sick and tired of all the sanctimonious arm chair quarterbacks who have suddenly come out of the woodwork with their CONCERN about what yenim is doing! You’re never there when families are going thru hard difficult challenges! That, you and other commentors couldn’t care less. They can all drop dead. NOW, suddenly you evil selfish arrogant people are so so so “concerned”!!! Just like you were only concerned for yourself until now, just continue being only concerned for yourself now as well. LIVE AND LET LIVE, FOR GOD’S SAKE!!!
i hope the people in the 2nd picture by the leining, are all related, or from 1 house, because they’re definitly not 6 feet apart…
With no masks and no distancing they could of used the shteeble.
In most of these photos there are no masks. The guys with the Aliyahs and hagbeh and gelilah – no masks.
The minyan was great “al pi kabooleh”
Or better “ al pi sod” but in practicality it is or was all worthless – except for the guys on the porches.
Some of these photos have people who are not practicing proper social distancing. Krias Hatorah should be do with the Bal Kriah getting all of the aliyos
It is more than a little ironic that some of the pictures you posted clearly show people not following social distancing, not wearing masks etc. And they are followed by pictures and the names of the people who passed away R”L form the Corona virus.
which hurts more, the pain of not being able to daven with a normal minyan or the pain of watching people decide that they know better than the doctors and the rebbeim?
Don’t be so concerned, unless you’re just as equally concerned about all their other family needs, ie. Parnasa, shalom bayis, shidduchim, tuition payments, children getting into yeshivos/ bais yaakovs, etc… I’m sick and tired of all the sanctimonious arm chair quarterbacks who have suddenly come out of the woodwork with their CONCERN about what yenim is doing! You’re never there when families are going thru hard difficult challenges! That, you and other commentors couldn’t care less. They can all drop dead. NOW, suddenly you evil selfish arrogant people are so so so “concerned”!!! Just like you were only concerned for yourself until now, just continue being only concerned for yourself now as well. LIVE AND LET LIVE, FOR GOD’S SAKE!!!
You can now add: maybe: money for the almonahs and yes omg so your list is now even longer…..
….and yesomim….
Great said