A performer at former President Barack Obama’s birthday party managed to take stealth pictures of the opulent Martha’s Vineyard event and share them with Instagram followers.
Rapper Trap Beckham and manager TJ Chapman discreetly snapped pics of the event’s high-end food, drink and swag offerings and talked to their followers as the party unfolded, according to screenshots of the posts, which were later deleted under the event’s photography ban.
Read more at NY Post.
What’s the big deal? Tge Dems just make rules and laws fir the underclass – THE REST OF AMERICA! Nancy, the wicked witch of the west is no different. It’s called Democrat!
None of the animals in any zoo I’ve been to, wear masks…
The elitist ruling class. Every other peasant has their face diapers back on, but not these elitists. These thugs all have private security (at taxpayers expense), while at the same time they call for defunding the police. Demeaning condescending hypocrites. The one thing that unites all parties & races, is our hatred of ruling class elitist politicians.
All the mask mandates have been rescinded. I’m not sure what the issue is here
Firstly, not “all” mask mandates has been rescinded (I simply just looked at the current mass.gov web site). But the actual point is that these are exactly the same guys who are are pushing for even federal level mandates on everyone else at all-times and at-everywhere. And they are using “you are killing your grandmother” guilt trips on anyone not wearing masks.
Anyone who is a buddy of Obama:- What would we care if they contracted Corona.
Obama? He was coronavirused 2 years ago which Michel. Actors playing their parts – probably the parts of everyone at this party.