Photos: Scenes from the Life of the Beloved Reb Yonah Blumenfrucht z”l

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  1. I was not as a friend or acquaintance of the niftar; I don’t think we ever even exchanged any words. Rather I was a fellow mispallel in Emunas Yisrael.
    There were many things that brought me to Emunas Yisrael, many years ago. One of them, was the opportunity to be up close with many people who were Oivdim, that I could observe and learn from. Over time R’ Yonah became one of them.
    R’ yonah was well known for his zedakah, that was not what impressed me. I B”H know many baalei zedakah. What I found unique about R’ Yonah was the way he communicated with every single person who approached him; without exception. An Eidelkeit, seiver panim yafos, savlanus, to an extent I haven’t seen elsewhere. This sever panim yafos and neimus was an integral part of his personality, and was visible in every exchange with the many who communicated with him.
    And there was another uniqueness to him. I had the good fortune to attend many of the Sheves Achim’s (a/k/a Tish) with the mashgiach, Rav Wolfson. The experience can not be reduced to words. But this much I can relate. I had the opportunity to sit opposite R’ Yonah for many years. To observe someone of his stature to sit with absolute bitul, was a powerful lesson from the 5th shulchan aruch. Moreover, I was repeatedly nispael seeing how R’ Yonah who was visibly exhausted from a hard week, would project newly found koichos, during the zemiros and Toirah.
    R’ Yoinah was a unique multi faceted individual. While he is most known for his Zedaka, his uniqueness was his being an Ish goimel chesed in a major way, both in aichus and in kamus. A synthesis of the epitome of chesed and chasid.

    As One Meshulach from eretz yisrael wrote,

    תהא נשמתו של הנגיד הרבני רבי יונה בלומנפרוכט זצ”ל צרורה בצרור החיים ביחד עם כל צדיקי עולם. החסיד הנגיד הרבני רבי יונה בלומנפרוכט זצ”ל הצדיק הגאון במידות טובות ובחסד הרחום על כל יהודי שבעולם, צדיק וטהור, נדיב לב וכו. עזר לנו כ”כ הרבה פעמים מתוך שמחה וחיוך כאילו אנחנו היחידים בעולמו. מי יתן לנו תמורתו? לא מכיר עוד נגיד שרץ אחרי שד”ר לתת להם מהונו כמו שהנגיד הגאון בחסד ורחמים רבי יונה בלומנפרוכט זצוק”ל עשה בחייו לאלפי שד”ר ובפרט מארץ ישראל.

    AshreY ayin sherasa es zois.


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