Thousands from the Galilee region and beyond gathered for a shiur from the “Yenukah,” Rav Shlomo Yehudah Beeri, in Tzefas.
In honor of the event, the Zohar Hagalil hall, reserved for special events, was prepared in advance. When the doors opened, crowds began flocking to the hall, which was filled to the brim within a few minutes.
The Yenuka delivered a brilliant shiur about kedushas Eretz Yisroel.
After the entrance of the Yenuka, the rov of the Galilee, Rav Eliyahu Bitton, recited the brachah of shecholak meichochmaso liyereiav.
At the end of the shiur, the Yenukah played on piano various melodies, as he famously does at his shiurim, and the masses joined in singing.
After the shiur, the Yenuka went to daven at the kever of Rashbi in Meron.
Rav Shlomo Yehuda is called the “Yenukah” because he is young – about 32 – and has shown amazing knowledge in all aspects of the Torah. He knows, by heart, the Torah, Shas and commentaries, Zohar and its commentaries, and many other writings. During his shiurim, he gives exact references by page number and paragraph.
Obviously the title was given when he was barely 20!
He’s known by many as one that completed every part of the Torah at the young age of 21.
He’s a very rare Neshamah Gevoho..
There aren’t that many write-up’s about him but here is one:
Search on YouTube/Google:
“The Yanuka Rav Shlomo Yehuda • Fascinating Documentation of His Life”
It is an obligation to know the background of any Rebbe, Morah diasra, posek, Rav, Mashgiach, Mashbia, Daf Yomi magid, before one can/should get close to them and drink from their wealth of Torah/hashgafa. I don’t understand how Matzav can post this without informing most of us who have never heard of this person. Every time Matzav posts about a person who was nifter r”l, we get a whole biography and pictures within seconds of the yetzias neshama, but here, it’s all a hidden mystery.
Youre not crazy. I just discovered the Yanuka and im blown away. DONT TAKE ANYONES WORD FOR IT !!! see for yourself. All you need to do is watch one of his 1 or 2 hour classes where he quotes from all sources with references, chapter and verse, commentaries early rishonim as well as achronim, chassidic sources, litvish sources, kabbala, halacha etc everywhere. Its unbelievable anyone, much less a young man of 32 can speak like this with no notes etc. Just look him up on Youtube and you will see and believe. He doesnt belong to any group or brand, hes not chassidic, nor litvish nor chabad, nor breslev, nor Brisk nor whatever. Yes hes from Spain and learned under a great Yemenite teacher who later called him Mori verabi. just watch and im curious to hear your reaction !!
“Rav Shlomo Yehuda is called the “Yenukah” because he is young – about 32”
32 ain’t exactly the definition of a ינוקא.
Obviously the title was given when he was barely 20!
He’s known by many as one that completed every part of the Torah at the young age of 21.
He’s a very rare Neshamah Gevoho..
Never heard of him, what is his background, where’s he learn? Who is his rebbe?
I’m wondering about him too. Can someone please write something about him?
There aren’t that many write-up’s about him but here is one:
Search on YouTube/Google:
“The Yanuka Rav Shlomo Yehuda • Fascinating Documentation of His Life”
It is an obligation to know the background of any Rebbe, Morah diasra, posek, Rav, Mashgiach, Mashbia, Daf Yomi magid, before one can/should get close to them and drink from their wealth of Torah/hashgafa. I don’t understand how Matzav can post this without informing most of us who have never heard of this person. Every time Matzav posts about a person who was nifter r”l, we get a whole biography and pictures within seconds of the yetzias neshama, but here, it’s all a hidden mystery.
Youre not crazy. I just discovered the Yanuka and im blown away. DONT TAKE ANYONES WORD FOR IT !!! see for yourself. All you need to do is watch one of his 1 or 2 hour classes where he quotes from all sources with references, chapter and verse, commentaries early rishonim as well as achronim, chassidic sources, litvish sources, kabbala, halacha etc everywhere. Its unbelievable anyone, much less a young man of 32 can speak like this with no notes etc. Just look him up on Youtube and you will see and believe. He doesnt belong to any group or brand, hes not chassidic, nor litvish nor chabad, nor breslev, nor Brisk nor whatever. Yes hes from Spain and learned under a great Yemenite teacher who later called him Mori verabi. just watch and im curious to hear your reaction !!
His family moved to Spain when he was 3 years old. Then they moved to Switzerland and then to Germany.