They belong in Eretz Yisroel. Going to Uman has become an avoda zara. Chaval. Torah eminates from Eretz Yisroel, they should rush back home where they belong.
Do all Jews live in Israel? Think not. Millions live around the world. What’s wrong with living in Uman or visiting Uman to the grave of the holy tzaddik who can intervene for us from Shamayim? Why don’t we hear from you when thousands visit the grave of Rashbi? or to R’ Meilech M’Linzensk? What do you have against Rabbi Nachman, grandson of the holy Bash”t?
So, I’m not a Breslover, nor am I particularly keen on this craze of going there. But with all the bad publicity that’s usually generated. It’s nice to see this, so beautiful!
Gut Gebenched Yahr To All!
That’s actually not uman … they were at Camp Shuva a jewish camp about an hour from Kiev owned by Rabbi Bleich , Chief Rabbi of Ukraine . I spent many summer there teaching Jewish kids Torah! It’s beutiful to see that after the cmp finished this year a Yeshiva of Brel over Bachur in came to learn!
first the ukranians murder our grandparents and take all their money
then we go and pump up their economy by going there and puring in millions in to their economy
then they have the chutzpah to charge 35 per person this year
crazy that we go there
move reb Nachman to israel where he belongs and stop going to these blood soaked countries and pumping their economy
They belong in Eretz Yisroel. Going to Uman has become an avoda zara. Chaval. Torah eminates from Eretz Yisroel, they should rush back home where they belong.
Where are you now?
Do all Jews live in Israel? Think not. Millions live around the world. What’s wrong with living in Uman or visiting Uman to the grave of the holy tzaddik who can intervene for us from Shamayim? Why don’t we hear from you when thousands visit the grave of Rashbi? or to R’ Meilech M’Linzensk? What do you have against Rabbi Nachman, grandson of the holy Bash”t?
So, I’m not a Breslover, nor am I particularly keen on this craze of going there. But with all the bad publicity that’s usually generated. It’s nice to see this, so beautiful!
Gut Gebenched Yahr To All!
That’s actually not uman … they were at Camp Shuva a jewish camp about an hour from Kiev owned by Rabbi Bleich , Chief Rabbi of Ukraine . I spent many summer there teaching Jewish kids Torah! It’s beutiful to see that after the cmp finished this year a Yeshiva of Brel over Bachur in came to learn!
first the ukranians murder our grandparents and take all their money
then we go and pump up their economy by going there and puring in millions in to their economy
then they have the chutzpah to charge 35 per person this year
crazy that we go there
move reb Nachman to israel where he belongs and stop going to these blood soaked countries and pumping their economy