Poll: Trump, DeSantis In Virtual Tie For 2024 GOP Nomination

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Former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis are in a virtual tie for the 2024 Republican nomination for the country’s highest office, according to a poll commissioned by a super PAC run by Trump national security adviser-turned-critic John Bolton.

Trump led DeSantis 26.2% to 25.2% in a survey of 1,000 likely voters done by Carter Wrenn on behalf of John Bolton Super PAC Sept. 16-18, the organization posted on its website.

The survey delineated the voters as very conservative, somewhat conservative and moderate primary voters.

Former U.S. Attorney and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was a distant third (7.2%), followed by former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (6%), Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas (4.7%), South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (3%), Trump administration Vice President Mike Pence (2.6%), Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina (2.3%), Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida (2.3%) and Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri (1.3%).

Read more at NEWSMAX



  1. Trump was a good President for 4 years. He accomplished a lot but not enough. Instead of draining the swamp he only enlarged it. It’s time to move on. We can’t allow him to become the Hillary Clinton of the Republican party.

    • That’s because anyone just following mainstream news have no idea what’s going in the world and how much Trump is STILL accomplishing and how many millions of the swamp are not around anymore. Do you know that there are perhaps only a handful of the original leaders around? Whatever leaders you see or read about in mainstream are clones, doppelgangers and actors.

  2. I agree with comment #1,. We need to win. We can’t have a cliffhanger election. We need a decisive victory and I think, like many do, Donald Trump was a great president his flaws not withstanding: now though is time for a new man. Trump should be a MAN and throw his support behind DeSantis early on and let’s sweep this thing clean. The country needs it.

  3. I appreciate Trump’s intentions and all. But I don’t buy into the narrative that he was god for Jews. Obnoxious, arrogant, divisive leadership is not good for anyone. He needs to put aside his ego and allow DeSantis, one of the strongest and most polished Republicans in recent memory, to be elected.
    Hashem runs the world, but Al Pi Derech HaTeva, DeSantis may even help America dodge its imminent demise.


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