On Tuesday, during a speech by Construction and Housing Minister Yitzchok Goldknopf at the International Bay Conference in Haifa, an anti-government protester abruptly stormed the stage and launched into a tirade against him.
As Goldknopf began his address, the protester rushed toward him, shouting: “Your life’s work is draft dodging, draft dodging and hoggishness, that’s what you live off of. Your hoggishness turned us on our heads, you tore the nation in two, you brought us the massacre… you brought us humiliation that has never been seen before, and you dare to show your face here.”
Event security quickly intervened, but the protester resisted, insisting that they not touch him while continuing to hurl insults at the minister. He also threw a jacket at Goldknopf before being escorted off the stage by security.
Economy Minister Nir Barkat also faced vocal criticism, with protesters standing outside the conference calling for the release of the hostages.
{Matzav.com Israel}
this is what happens when you are a minister of the helega medina.
The wild moronic rantings of a simpleton.
What a manipulative and brainwashed person that protestor is.
Only around 17% of the IDF serves in combat.
A great many “soldiers” serving their so-called obligation serve in non-essential roles, such as a lifeguard at the base with an Olympic pool, culture and recreation administrator (in which she sat in the office staring at her cell phone for 6 months, except for the one time she showed the troops an American movie), the B’Machaneh army newspaper, and much more.
The rich secular Leftist Ashkenazim make sure their delicate little babes either avoid the draft or land meaningless service in cushy roles – focusing particularly on non-essential roles in the air force, where conditions are the best (good food, comfy rec rooms with air-conditioning and LED screens, plus a state-of-the-art gym, etc.).
Last year, half of those eligible for the draft did NOT enlist. 12% were secular Jews, primarily from the Gush Dan area, and 13% were charedi.
The massacre was brought about by anti-Torah Leftist policies, fully supported by nearly all the kibbutzim attacked.
Why does the crazed protestor not launch attacks and tirades against all the draft-dodgers and policy-makers in Herzaliyah and Ramat Aviv?
What is our responsibility in the area of physical national defense?
Our obligation is to pray for the destruction of our enemies, i.e. Hamas and Hizbollah, using other peoples children.
Our responsibility is national Torah study and prayers, following the footsteps of Chizkiyahu Hamelech at the time of the battle against Sancheriv. Look it up.
Our responsibility is to be the best we can, keep all the relevant mitzvos, bein odom l’chaveiro no less than bein odom laMokom, not do aveiros, try in whatever way we can to bring our ignorant brothers back to Hashem. To make the Torah lifestyle beautiful. To daven properly, for everyone. Start with one or two improvements or kabolos, incorporate into our daily lives and keep striving for more. See you IYH when Moshiach comes!
Just to add to the excellent replies of Dave and Just Saying (in response to both RAM and Douglas)…
The elite leaders in both the IDF and the government conduct wars and policies in a way that leads to an atrociously high number of Jewish deaths.
The Horror from Gaza could have easily been prevented.
The IDF had plenty of detailed warning MONTHS before the attack, provided by both Rafael Chiyun’s expert eavesdropping system and the observations from the very base later decimated by the terrorists.
Several hours prior to the attack (Leil Shabbos/Shemini Atzeret), the Shabak already knew a massive invasion was in process. This has been revealed by a former Shabak official, Yitzhar David, yet those in the know did nothing to fortify the border or even warn the party organizers to move.
There has been no need for hundreds of soldiers to have been killed in action since then, or the thousands killed since the founding of the state; everything can be and should have been conducted so as to prevent as many Jewish military deaths, maimings, and PTSD as possible.
Military experts like Eliyahu Yossian and Major Yitzchak Brick have criticized the IDF for burning through soldiers, when such a thing is completely preventable.
Why do all Jews in Eretz Yisrael need to send their children to risk their lives and mental health in military situations that are mismanaged from the outset by officials who really could not care less about the harm caused to these soldiers and their families?
Many of the actual combat soldiers themselves are highly idealistic and devoted to Am Yisrael.
The officials leading them are not.
Just for knowing, my son was called up on Oct 7th and he eventually lost 4 members of his unit, with another 2 severely wounded, all in one go in an action that was completely preventable.
TDLR: Prayer, maasim tovim, and avodas Hashem b’simcha are truly the best protections. And the current physical defense is anyway being conducted by an appalling and deadly lack of both seichel and responsibility (by the elite leaders, not the soldiers themselves) – and why should regular Jews keep dying and suffering for the whims of these wicked kofrim?