Russian President Vladimir Putin is shaking up his military’s top command after a string of losses, elevating a new general nicknamed “Armageddon” to lead the Ukraine invasion, Newsmax reports.
According to a report by the Jamestown Foundation, Air Force General Sergei Surovikin has “a reputation for total ruthlessness,” and his willingness “to vigorously execute any orders trounced any potential questions” about his checkered qualifications. Surovikin was accused of physically assaulting officers under him while commanding the 34th motor-rifle division in 2004. One of those subordinate officers killed himself after Surovikin humiliated him. Human Rights Watch also suggested his implication in several war crimes stemming from the Russian bombardment of Aleppo in 2016, including damage to civilian “homes, schools, healthcare facilities, and markets.”
Surovikin is set to replace two Russian senior military commanders fired after Ukraine’s largely successful counteroffensive in the southern Kherson region and portions of the area surrounding Kharkiv in the northeast.
Looks like a melon to me!
R chaim of volozen quotes the vilna gaon. Milchemes gog umegog will happen on hoshana raba and will take 3 hours. In hoshana of kel limoshaos there is the line shalos shaos referring to this time.
He could be Darth Vader and he’d still have poorly organized, unmotivated troops.
From the very beginning of this picture, it has been a picture of provoking and provoking and provoking and more provoking Russia to make this terrible war. Over nine years ago in 2013, the then president of Ukraine, Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych, decided to make an economic partnership with Russia instead of with the European Union, as the program offered by Russia had certain advantages over the program offered by the E.U.
In the view of the U.S. & the west, this was an unforgivable capital crime. The U.S. Government — then under wicked king Obama — with the C.I.A. thus instigated a massive with heavy violence street revolt against Mr. Yanukovych, forcing him to flee the country, and then installed a series of presidents who would more loyally bow down to the west. The Ukraine and especially its capital of Kiev became the epicenters of some of the most extreme horrific corruption, especially of then wicked Vice President Biden & his hyper-wicked son Hunter.
The peoples of the far eastern areas of Ukraine, most of whom are really ethnically Russian and speak the Russian language, were, understandably, quite abhorred at their country being forced over to the west side — and especially to the very worst of the west side. So two of those provinces declared themselves to be independent states. The wicked Ukraine governments though were enraged at this affront and thus began shelling and bombing those areas’ towns & villages, wreaking countless houses and facilities and murdering hundreds of people. This war DID NOT begin just now in 2022; it began a good eight years ago in 2014.
It’s about time. Let’s end this war. Gas is too high. Let’s Nuke the Ukes.
Who wants $2 gas. I do.
Understandably, Russia has had a strong moral obligation to assist and support and even defend these regions of Russian people who want to be be independent of the hyper-wicked-corrupt-Toeiva-oriented-Kiev-regime and are being continually heavily attacked by that regime in outright war.
Along with this, there is another serious issue. At the turn of the 1980’s into the 1990’s, the Soviet Union broke up and the many countries of Eastern Europe who had been in that union became independent. The first one was the eastern side of Germany — its actual name was “East Germany” — which had been the area of Germany that the Soviet-Russian army had entered and occupied near the end of World War II. Now that it was breaking free of the Soviet bloc, it was obvious that it would join with the western side of Germany, called “West Germany,” which had been the area of Germany that the armies of the western allies, United States, Great Britain, and France, had entered and occupied near the end of World War II. It was further obvious that the hitherto two Germanys would now unite into one country again.
In this joining of East Germany to West Germany forming one Germany, the whole new one Germany became part of N.A.T.O., which was the organization that the previous West Germany had been part of.
Understandably, this was a bit of concern to Russia, for not only had Russia “lost” a country from its group, that country was now joining its opposition, N.A.T.O. So the then United States Secretary of State, James Addison Baker III, explained to the then Soviet President, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, that this was a unique case. [As the east section of a divided country is joining with the west section (which is the bigger “main” section) to make one country, it is understandable that the whole new one country will be part of — actually will “remain” part of — the group that the bigger west section was with.] But with all other “regular” non-divided countries, no other former Soviet bloc country would join N.A.T.O. Secretary of State Baker thus assured & promised President Gorbachev, and it was put in writing, that, besides (what had been) East Germany, N.A.T.O. would not move “even one inch” eastward (toward Russia).
U.S. officials deny that such a promise was ever made, though, as noted above, it is in writing; Russian officials lament that they should have had the promise formalized into an official treaty.
While Russia is, of course, not happy at this betrayal, with Ukraine, the story is far more serious. A glance at a map shows that it is quite a large country, one of the largest in all of Europe. Its geographic location on the map, the lower area west of Russia — and it actually touches Russia — is right at the “front doorstep” of Russia. Its eastern border and half of its long northern border IS also Russia’s border; it is thus relatively close to some of Russia’s main cities. From Kharkiv to Moscow is 464 miles; that is just a bit, 25 miles, more than the distance from Washington, DC, to Boston, Massachusetts. From Luhansk to Volgograd is 287 miles; that is just a bit, 20 miles more than the distance from Washington, DC, to Stamford, Connecticut.
So, for Ukraine to be part of a massive opposing military apparatus like N.A.T.O. would present an exceedingly close direct military threat to Russia. Just “simple” groups of soldiers riding in armored trucks could quickly cross into their territory and immediately be shooting at residents of countryside villages and in just a few hours be at the gates of major cities — even Moscow — shooting residents there as well. Certainly super-modern fighter & bomber aircraft taking off from Ukrainian bases IN MERE MINUTES could reach Moscow and other big cities and start shooting there their bombs. And certainly, certainly, super-modern missiles launched from Ukraine IN MERE SECONDS could reach Moscow and other key sites and explode there their mass destruction — even nuclear — weapons.
So, it is TOTALLY UNDERSTANDABLE that Russia demanded — and, in a certain way, they were really BEGGING and PLEADING — with the United States and the whole west:
Ukraine has to be completely destroyed before Moshiach can come.
U hear voices??? Get ur head checked.