Putin: Russia Would Use All Weapons if Ukraine Gets Nukes

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Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Thursday that Moscow would deploy all available weaponry if Ukraine were to gain nuclear capabilities.

Last week, The New York Times cited unnamed Western officials who reportedly floated the idea that U.S. President Joe Biden might consider arming Ukraine with nuclear weapons before his term ends.

“If the nation we are essentially in conflict with were to become a nuclear state, how should we respond? In that scenario, we will utilize every, and I stress this, every method of destruction at Russia’s disposal. Absolutely everything: we will not permit it. We’ll be monitoring their actions closely,” Putin stated during a press briefing in Astana, Kazakhstan.

“If any party were to officially hand over such weapons, it would constitute a breach of all their non-proliferation obligations,” Putin added.

While acknowledging that Ukraine’s capacity to independently produce a nuclear weapon was nearly non-existent, Putin suggested that Kyiv might instead develop a “dirty bomb,” a device combining conventional explosives with radioactive materials to disperse contamination. Should such an incident occur, Putin assured that Russia would take appropriate measures.

Moscow has consistently alleged—though without presenting evidence—that Ukraine could potentially resort to using such a weapon.

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine inherited a stockpile of nuclear arms. However, under the terms of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, Kyiv relinquished those weapons in exchange for security guarantees from Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has repeatedly expressed regret over that decision, arguing that it left his nation vulnerable. He has used this point to advocate for Ukraine’s inclusion in NATO, a move Russia vehemently opposes.



  1. What do they expect is going to happen????? Yes, what DO they expect is going to happen if they do this????? Yes, if, Chas V’Shalom, they do this (of actually giving Ukraine nuclear bombs, so that Ukraine — who has for quite awhile already been shooting all kinds of big sharp arrows into Russia’s private territory — would now, Chas V’Shalom, shoot big sharp NUCLEAR arrows into Russia’s private territory), what do they expect Russia to do?????


  2. In the early 1960’s, when the small island nation of Cuba became a communist country, then Communist Russia, then called the “Soviet union,” began heavily building up Cuba’s military. In October, 1962, US spy planes monitoring the situation saw that this buildup included setting up large fleets of nuclear-bomb-carrying-missiles. This island of Cuba is located very close to our country of the United States; the distance from one point of the island to a certain point on the coast of the State of Florida is only 90 miles!! So, if, Chas V’shalom, even ONE of those rockets would have been launched from its base in very nearby Cuba, within MERE MINUTES, that rocket with its nuclear bomb would have reached almost any point in the United States bringing on that area massive annihilation, Rachmana Litzlan!!

    So, 1,000% correctly, the United States & its military, led by then President John F. Kennedy, went hyper-hyper-ballistic!! They had their naval ships go in front of Cuba to block any further weapon shipments coming in, put their world forces on the highest state of alert ever, and warned that those missiles absolutely HAD TO GO, or there would be war.


    Boruch Hashem though, the terrible crises finally ended when the Russian/Soviet Union Premier, Nikita S. Khrushchev, announced that they were backing down & pledged to remove the missiles.

  3. So, yes, the story now is the reverse. The US & its NATO cronies are the ones who have been massively arming Ukraine — located at the “front doorstep” of Russia (much closer than Cuba is to the US) — with all kinds of weapons & big rockets and have had its Ukraine puppets actually shoot those big rockets into Russian territory and are now planning to give nuclear bombs to put on those rockets to shoot into Russian territory.


  4. Furthermore, the story now is literally reversed in a much deeper way.
    In that era of the late 1940’s, 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s & 1980’s, Communist Russia/Soviet Union, was the leader of hyper-hyper-evil-Communism, which attempted to iron force everyone to be its jailed slaves with iron forced total Kefira in Hashem. By sharp contrast, the United States was a “Nation under (Hashem)” (albeit Roman-Catholic-Protestant-Christian style belief in Hashem), so it & its NATO alliance’s strong opposition to the Communist Russia/Soviet Union, known as the “Cold War,” was really an immensely wonderful noble endeavor. Yes, the US & NATO were the “good guys,” while the Russians & other Communists were the “bad guys.”

    Now though, the situation has literally reversed. The United States being a “Nation Under (Hashem)” has, very tragically, become a meaningless shallow facade, as several generations of its youth, in their science classes, have been taught NOT that Hashem created the world, but, that EVOLUTION created the world! Furthermore, clearly as part of its rejection of Hashem, it has engendered a social culture of promotion of non-moral values, especially exceedingly rabid promotion of even the VERY MOST EXTREME OF EXTREME FORMS of Toeiva!!

    By sharp contrast, in 1990, Russia officially renounced Communism and very much became a “Nation Under (Hashem)” (albeit Russian-Orthodox-Christian style belief in Hashem). (They respected us too. At that time in the Torah world, it was well known how Rav Eliyahu Svei, ZT’L, excitedly exclaimed that when he and other Rabbonim went to Russia, officers — who were former KGB agents — at the Moscow airport gladly allowed them to Daven Mincha there.) Furthermore, in numerous statements from both civilians and government officials, including President Putin himself, they have very forcefully declared that they absolutely DO NOT WANT this Toeiva of the west!! So now, who are really the “good guys,” and who are really the “bad guys”?????

  5. Needless to say, in the 62 years since the Cuban Missile Crises related above, numerous documentary presentations and entertainment reenactment films of that earth shaking episode have been made. Probably the most emotionally moving scenes in one of the reenactment films shows (the actors playing the reenactment of) a key White House official coming over to a park where his son & his son’s high school colleagues are playing football. He just stands there, looking at them playing their game, obviously in mournful contemplation on how, in just a few hours, his son & his & his son’s friends may not be there, for they, and tens of millions of other people, may have already been incinerated into radioactive ash.

  6. Actually, many of the officials then ON BOTH SIDES, in the US administration and in the Soviet administration, felt exactly that way — especially the two leaders!! Yes, President Kennedy absolutely did not want to see the world, Rachmana Litzlan, turned into radioactive ash, and Premier Khrushchev, as exceedingly, extremely wicked & threatening as he was, absolutely did not want to see the world, Rachmana Litzlan, turned into radioactive ash.

    So, they both realized that they absolutely MUST step back from the brink and make appropriate, reasonable compromises to end the crises and survive!!

  7. By glaringly sharp contrast, the evil New-World-Order-One-Government-World-UN-Agenda-30-Globalist-Deep-State-Shadow-Government-Gang, Yimach Shemam V’Zichram, who control their puppet Biden-Harris-&-Co illegitimate regime over our US country, DO NOT feel that way at all!! On the contrary, they strongly WANT most people of the world to be incinerated into radioactive ash for, in their evil view of the world, there are far “too many” people in the world!!

    And, as for themselves also being incinerated, they are not worried at all, for they smugly plan to hide & be protected in their secret extensive network of huge underground bunkers.

  8. So, it goes without saying, that they certainly do not want this Ukraine crises to peacefully end!! On the contrary, ever since they started it over a decade ago with abusively overthrowing Ukraine’s elected president and installing their line of puppet dictators, almost every week they launched some new action to deliberately further gravely escalate the crises and more and more provoke Russia into a wider conflict.

    And every time that President Putin or another Russian official warned that they were close approaching a nuclear “red line”:


  9. However, they are extremely, extremely frustrated & angered. For even though all these many nuclear “red lines” have already been crossed, (so far) no “mushrooms” have actually appeared on the horizon!! (Of course, for us it is: “Boruch Hashem!!”) (So far) no people have actually been turned into radioactive ash!! (Of course, for us it is: “Boruch Hashem!!”)

    And now, they are really, really furious, for in the election a few weeks go — unlike what they did just four years ago in the 2020 rigg, this time around — they were NOT ABLE to fabricate a win for their Biden-Harris & Co. puppets. Instead, the votes for President Trump, who openly claims to be opposed to the excesses of the New-World-Order-Deep-State-etc-thingy, were able to be counted, Boruch Hashem. And he has thus already been speaking to President Putin, trying to work out PEACE for Ukraine!!

  10. So the New-World-Order-Deep-State-etc-gang is now outright SCARED & PANICKING!! In their extreme of extreme desperation, they think that if maybe they could just get their Biden-Harris & Co. puppets, who (until President Trump’s inauguration on January 20) still officially have the briefcase-with-the-nuclear-codes, the “football,” to themselves send over a couple of “mushrooms,” then MAYBE that would push President Putin into a tight enough corner where he would BE FORCED to press his own nuclear button, and the mounds of radioactive ash would finally start flowing!! (Of course, Rachmana Litzlan!!)

  11. It is glaringly obvious that it is in ONLY the Infinite Chesed Hashem – the Infinite Kindness of The Lord, why, so far, this has not actually occurred, why, so far, no “mushrooms” have actually appeared on the horizon, and, so far, no mounds of radioactive ash have started flowing. We must certainly continue to beg Hashem to continue to fully protect us all and fully save us all from these severely diabolical plans of these severely evil people and quickly bring on them a total downfall and bring us all Moshiach Tzidkaynu & the Geula Sheleima Bimhayra B’Yamaynu!!


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