Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt invited to Light Chanukah Menorah at White House Tonight

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As a token of thanks from the US government for all he has done to guide the medical and Jewish community through the Covid crisis, Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt will be lighting the Chanukah Menorah at the White House this evening.

Dr. Glatt is the Chair of the Department of Medicine at Mount Sinai South Nassau. He also serves as the Chief of Infectious Diseases and is the Hospital’s Epidemiologist, and is in charge of our Infectious Diseases Society of America Designated Center of Excellence in Antimicrobial Stewardship. Previously, he has held senior academic and administrative positions, including being the President and CEO and the Chief Medical Officer, at other major institutions.

Dr. Glatt is board certified in Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine. He completed a fellowship in Infectious Diseases at the SUNY Health Science Center in Brooklyn, New York and served as Chief Resident in Internal Medicine at Brookdale Hospital Medical Center. Considered an expert in infectious diseases, and a Spokesperson for the Infectious Diseases Society of America, he has authored several books and journal articles that have appeared in the New England Journal of MedicineClinical Infectious Diseases, the Journal of the American Medical Association, and other major publications.

Dr. Glatt is the Associate Rabbi at the Young Israel of Woodmere. He has been giving a Daf Yomi shiur for 30 years, and also gives a weekly Gemara b’iyun shiur, daily halacha shiurim, and many other classes. An international lecturer on medical and halachic issues, Rabbi Dr. Glatt has authored two seforim, Visiting the Sick: A halachic and medical guide – with down to earth advice, and Women in the Talmud.



  1. Why does the Rabbi want us to inject ourselves with highly dangerous poisonous toxins and aborted fetuses, all in the name of Covid? The fact that many have died after taking the shots, is left out of his lexicon.

  2. I am pasting parts of an article that appeared back in September by a journalist of truth, Rabbi Chananya Weissman:
    Several months ago, Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt and Mount Sinai Hospital of South Nassau (where he is the Chair of Department of Medicine), blocked a prescription for Ivermectin for a dying COVID patient (Deborah Bucko), who became progressively ill under their care, that was prescribed by an infectious disease doctor there as an emergency measure. Deborah’s husband, Scott Mantel, had to sue 3 times to force Glatt and the hospital to allow it. The court forced them the first two times, in which Glatt and the hospital only allowed the treatment for 5 days each, even though Dr. Pierre Kory demonstrated that her prognosis was improving while on the treatment. Deborah Bucko, a 52 year-old wife and mother of two, died while her husband was trying for a third time to get ivermectin.
    Link to Scott Mantel’s original affidavit pleading with the court to force them to not block the emergency prescription:
    Link to Dr. Pierre Kory’s response to Dr. Glatt, in which among other things, he details numerous errors, inaccuracies, and misrepresentations made by Glatt in his explanation of why he is blocking the prescription (Glatt’s explanation can’t be seen, as the hospital requested restricted status):
    2 articles that discuss this story:
    Rabbi Dr. Glatt is arguably the most influential “expert” in COVID-related matters for the Orthodox Jewish community in the US. You can hardly escape his opinions published in newspapers, his recommendations of (draconian) shul COVID policies/school reopening policies, or his actual assistance in drafting such policies. Yet he denied a safe emergency treatment to a critically ill patient, despite evidence provided of effectiveness. Furthermore, as Scott Mantel showed in his exhibits, several other hospitals were sued for the same thing, and those critical patients improved under continuing ivermectin treatment. Gee, I wonder why people don’t trust the medical establishment.
    In conclusion, this case raises serious questions of both ethics and trustworthiness in modern orthodoxy’s main “expert” in this area. Why should anyone trust anything that comes out of the mouth of someone who fights family, doctors, and courts, to purposely withdraw potentially life saving treatment seemingly for the sake of politics? Only the willfully blind and ignorant could trust such a person.
    Here is a link to a meta-analysis by Theresa Lawrie, MBBCh, PHD, who consults for the W.H.O., that concludes with “moderate certainty,” that Ivermectin prevents and treats COVID-19:
    End quote.
    It is difficult to read this and not come to the conclusion that Aaron Glatt and the others who were charged to care for Deborah Bucko are responsible for her death. If Glatt and the others who did everything in their power to deny Ms. Bucko ivermectin, even after it had been shown to improve her condition, and even after multiple courts orders, have a conscience or a soul, there is no evidence of it.
    How is it possible that Glatt is still a respected, trusted voice in the Orthodox world, whose shrill cries of “Sheker!” anytime someone raises a concern about the crapcine he has been hired to convince people to take are not thrown back in his face by anyone who encounters him?
    Why is it left for ordinary people to bring this information to the public, while the Jewish media runs a steady stream of advertorials for the crapcine and censors those who veer from the pre-approved storyline?
    When will the Jewish people rise up like a lion and expel these godless, corrupt, paid-off phonies from their midst?
    *Here is the link to the actual interview with Deborah Bucko’s husband, Scott Mantel:

    • “It is difficult to read this and not come to the conclusion that Aaron Glatt and the others who were charged to care for Deborah Bucko are responsible for her death.”

      Ivermectin has been proven to be useless against COVID and Rabbi Dr. Glatt was right in not allowing quackery in his hospital.

      • There are too many doctors at this point using it with thousands of patients successfully to deny that Ivermectin is affective regardless of what corrupt government agencies are trying to get people to believe. There are also many studies (look at the FCCCC website) proving its efficacy and ivermectin is a very safe drug which is FDA approved for a while already for human use.

        Any frum doctor who does not do his due diligence and research this matter very very thoroughly and denies covid patients this life saving drug — which is non-toxic so it can’t hurt to try even if he doesn’t have time to research it — has blood on his hands. Rov Rofim l’gehenom.

      • Hydroxychloroquin or however that’s spelled was used successfully to treat Lupus for years. As soon as it was shown to treat covid successfully, it was pulled and deemed dangerous.

        The vaccine was coming out. You do the math. I’ll help:

  3. to mr hall kindly keep to NYT and the like to post your Liberal Jews for J (lashon nkiyah) garbage this site is for RELIGIOUS ORTHODOX jews only


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