Rabbi Yehoshua Fishman zt”l

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It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the petirah of Rabbi Yehoshua Fishman zt”l, former longtime executive vice president of Torah Umesorah.

Rabbi Fishman was also the rov of the oldest Orthodox shul in all of Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island, Congregation Beth Jacob Ohev Sholom.

Rabbi Fishman devoted decades to the chinuch of Yiddishe kinder, heading Torah Umesorah with great dedication.

He is survived by his wonderful family, following in his ways.

The levayah will be held tomorrow morning, at 9:30 a.m., at Shomrei Hadas Chapels, located at 3803 14th Avenue in Boro Park, Brooklyn.

The family is sitting shivah at 1091 East 22nd Street, between Avenues J & K, in Flatbush until Thursday morning, February 16. Shacharis: 8:00 am, Mincha/Maariv: approx. 20 minutes before shekiah.

Yehi zichro boruch.



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