Rabbi Zalman Hillel Fendel z”l

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It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the passing of Rabbi Zalman Hillel Fendel z”l.

Rabbi Fendel was a son of Rav Zechariah Fendel zt”l, noted mechanech and author, and Rebbetzin Chava Fendel.

A resident of Twin Oaks Drive in Lakewood, NJ, Rabbi Fendel was a beloved member of The Villas neighborhood, where he was loved by all for his warmth and many acts of chesed. 

​An outstanding talmid chochom and maggid shiur, Rabbi Fendel devoted his life to limud haTorah and avodas Hashem.

Rav Zalman Hillel was a brilliant ben Torah and the mechaber of widely-used seforim. He penned incredible seforim on the Yerushalmi and other difficult topics, showcasing his greatness in Torah.

His petirah leaves a deep void in the hearts of all who knew him.

Rabbi Fendel is survived by his wife, Mrs. Tova Fendel; his siblings; and his 12 children, 6 of whom are unmarried.

Yehi zichro boruch.

Watch the levayah live here.

A fund has been established for the family. DONATE HERE.




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