A fund has been established for the family. DONATE HERE.
It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the passing of Rabbi Zalman Hillel Fendel z”l.
Rabbi Fendel was a son of Rav Zechariah Fendel zt”l, noted mechanech and author, and Rebbetzin Chava Fendel.
A resident of Twin Oaks Drive in Lakewood, NJ, Rabbi Fendel was a beloved member of The Villas neighborhood, where he was loved by all for his warmth and many acts of chesed.
An outstanding talmid chochom and maggid shiur, Rabbi Fendel devoted his life to limud haTorah and avodas Hashem.
Rav Zalman Hillel was a brilliant ben Torah and the mechaber of widely-used seforim. He penned incredible seforim on the Yerushalmi and other difficult topics, showcasing his greatness in Torah.
His petirah leaves a deep void in the hearts of all who knew him.
Rabbi Fendel is survived by his wife, Mrs. Tova Fendel; his siblings; and his 12 children, 6 of whom are unmarried.
Yehi zichro boruch.
Watch the levayah live here.
A fund has been established for the family. DONATE HERE.
A tzaddik mamesh and a gentle soul.
My cousin, special person!
did HE learn IN YSI ?
Massive tzadik and humble man
Yes, he learned in Staten Island.
what years?
was he a rebbi in toras emes?
No that is his brother.
was he part of hazolah?
No. You are referring to R’ Zalman Hillel’s younger brother.
A famous expert in hilchos kidush hachodesh
massive tzadik please donate to his family
Wonderful person from most wonderful family. Incomprehensible loss.