Radical Anti-Semitic HS Teacher Bringing Anti-Police Protest to Lakewood During Shabbos, Residents Scared

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By Fern Sidman & Jared Evan

A protest is planned for this Shabbos in Lakewood over the death of George Floyd and the organizers include a high school teacher who believes there will no change until “bloodshed” arises and reportedly posts anti-Semitic screeds on his Facebook page.

“We are preparing with the help of our community liaisons, so that we can handle any situation that may arise. It is our priority to maintain the safety of the community we serve, while allowing and respecting the right to a peaceful demonstration,” Lakewood Capt. Gregory Staffordsmith explained in a message to the community. “We ask that you keep all of those affected by the events in Minnesota and around the country, in your thoughts and prayers,” the statement said.

The local Jewish community does not seem too confident that this will be a peaceful event, knowing what has been going on across America during the last week of these violent protests. Twelve people have been murdered, police have been stabbed, attacked and shot, while shuls and Jewish businesses have been looted and vandalized nationwide  Lakewood police seem to understand this could be a disaster as they have also requested business remove all valuables & board up their storefronts.

This protest was organized by Marquis Oliver, a 2013 graduate of Lakewood High School.

Lakewood Board of Ed attorney Michael Inzelbuch tells Matzav.com that Oliver does not work for the Lakewood School District nor is he a substitute teacher for Source 4 Teachers, the district’s substitute provider, as some have said. He applied twice with Source 4 Teachers, but never completed the required paperwork.

The Lakewood Vaad has expressed its support for the event, which it says will not be violent.

Marquis had some anti-Semitic rhetoric on his Facebook page regarding the protest, but Marquis claims his Facebook account has been hacked and the dialogue was not his.

Mr. Oliver apparently agreed that ‘nothing’s going to change unless there is bloodshed,” according to sources. Read more.



  1. I think one is allowed to use a gun on Shabbos if it is a matter of life and death. Every Jewish home should own at least one gun. It could be a handgun, a rifle or a shotgun but it should be safely stored and the family should know how to use it safely. If we don’t protect ourselves no one else will!

  2. Seeing that the only evidence he’s an anti Semite is his Facebook page which might have been hacked, why is the article called “radical anti-Semite”?

  3. Fully agree with “The Commish”. We find in Scripture:
    “…and the B’nei Yisroel went up armed from the Land of Egypt”. Exodus;13:18. See Rashi’s comment.
    “…and you shall pass over before your brethren armed….”; Joshua; 1:14.
    A Jew, especially in these turbulent times, & being in ‘Golus’, must be doubly armed; namely, spiritually with Torah, & physically with a firearm.
    And finally, as I have heard it said once: “It is good to know that my gun in within reach; when help from the Police is but minutes away”!!
    And finally, let us remember the wise dictum from the Sage Hillel: “If I am not for myself, who will be for me”?


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