Rand Paul: Fauci Advice Is ‘Dangerous’

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Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., in a televised interview, ripped Dr. Anthony Fauci on Thursday, saying the White House’s chief medical adviser should stay away from handing out advice.

Paul made his remarks during an interview on  Foz News’ “Fox & Friends.”

“Dr. Fauci needs to be away from government, away from advice, because almost all of his advice had been wrongheaded,” Paul said. “But some of it’s actually very dangerous.

“When Dr. Fauci says the mask is more important than the vaccine, that’s malpractice. The vaccine is very important, so is natural immunity.”

Paul has requested that Attorney General Merrick Garland criminally investigate Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, after accusing him of lying to Congress.

Read more at NEWSMAX




  1. When Dr. Fauci says the mask is more important than the vaccine, that’s malpractice.

    I hate Fauci but I did a google search and couldn’t find that he ever said this

    Does anyone have a link?

  2. This from the senator who, having tested positive for Covid, went into the senate chamber and offices unmasked, exposing other senators and staffers to the virus. He should be the one under criminal investigation.

    • Even the liberal fake news does not accuse him of that. They accuse him of going to the senate while waiting results of a Corona test that ultimately came back as positive.

      He was asymptomatic at the time he was tested and had no reason to think he had Corona. He had taken the test only because he had been in proximity of people who had Corona and he was looking to be extra careful.

      I’m sure this isn’t true about you but Ron Paul was a practicing MD .

    • Oh, you mean like the democrat legislators from Texas? The ones that shirked their duty and came to Washington with Covid for photo-ops with Mrs. Emhoff?


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