Rand Paul: ‘Unconscionable’ that Biden Administration Withholding Lifesaving Coronavirus Treatment

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Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Thursday blasted the Biden administration for withholding lifesaving coronavirus treatment from those who need it, deeming it “unconscionable,” Breitbart reports.

This week, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo sent a pointed letter to Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra, questioning the Biden administration’s decision to withhold lifesaving coronavirus treatment from states such as Florida. In recent months, the DeSantis administration has blitzed the state with monoclonal antibody treatments, only to have the Biden administration slash the supply to the state, originally attributing the decision to its newfound priority of “equitable distribution.” 

According to Ladapo, “the lack of allocation of this life-saving treatment from the federal government continues to cause another immediate and life-threatening shortage of treatment options to the State of Florida as the Omicron variant spreads throughout the state”:

While administration of monoclonal antibody therapy treatments in Florida is shifting back to the private health care sector, and there is growing evidence that some treatment options may not be as effective against the Omicron variant, the federal agencies under your control should not limit our state’s access to any available treatments for COVID-19. Florida can expand treatment options for patients by distributing therapeutics to providers working in areas with a low prevalence of Omicron or clinics capable of variant screening. 

“The federal government is actively preventing the effective distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments in the U.S.,” he said, explaining that the “sudden suspension of multiple monoclonal antibody therapy treatments from distribution to Florida removes a health care provider’s ability to decide the best treatment options for their patients in their state.

“This shortsightedness is essentially evident given that the federal government efficiently prohibited states from purchasing these monoclonal antibodies and serving their populations directly,” he added.

On Thursday, Sen. Paul said he is hearing doctors in Louisiana express the same concerns.

“Hearing the same thing from doctors treating COVID in Louisiana — Biden admin has cancelled monoclonal antibody shipments with no replacement antibodies available. Unconscionable,” Paul remarked:

The remarks follow the Biden administration’s decision to pause shipments of the Regeneron and Eli Lilly treatments over concerns regarding their effectiveness against the omicron variant.




  1. Unfortunately, studies show that the Regeneron and Eli Lilly monoclonal antibodies do not work against the omicron variant. The GlaxoSmithKline monoclonal antibodies are the only ones that are still effective. Matzav should not be taking the statements of a known quack like Rand Paul at face value.

    Paul’s lies about COVID have cost lives. And he continues to block the Iron Dome funding that would save Israeli lives. Why is Matzav promoting this person?

    • Well, we know the vaccines are for sure not working, but you’re still pushing them!

      Regeneron has a better chance helping than the stupid vaccine.

    • There is no reason for the Biden administration to arbitrarily limit this. The medical professionals in each State can determine what works for their patients.

      Dr. Paul, a medical doctor, is not a “quack”. He actually makes very good sense.

      He has not “blocked” funding for the “Iron Dome”. He just wanted the funding to be from an existing and available source of funds rather than a new one.

    • Blind people cant see an agenda. The surgeon general of florida doesnt know what you know, after all Charlie seems like a very educated name! Unlike the surgeon general of Louisiana that is just a bum that didnt pass his sats. Rochelle wallinski from the cdc is agreeing that deaths and hospitalizations are relatively low. Dr rand paul is the same ignoramus as all the other conservative md’s.
      You probably followed ex mayor cuomo and agreed with all he did until his killing agenda was uncovered.
      Enough with your and the other liberals rating doctors for the rest of us. Enough with all the so called professionals telling a cardiologist that hqc causes heart attacks. Dont tell my md how to treat patients, give them the info and let them make the decisions. Will experts like you we got the cuomo fiasco. It always spooks me that people degrade others by saying it’s my way or the highway, have to make all the decisions based on who I decide to believe, and nobody else can make the decision. From my side you take the vaccine if you want to and everybody else should discuss it with their doctors, not with fauchi.

    • Studies Shmudies, here in Miami all the patients that have ad a relatively difficult bout of Omnicron responded extremely well and almost immediately to monoclonal antibodies. I just heard of 2 friends how it was a game-changer. BTW both have had covid and where triple vaccinated.

    • But Obama sending your tax dollars to the tune of $6,000,000,000,000.00 to the Iranians who promised to wipe Israel off the map, that doesn’t bother you in the slightest. You probably called Kirsten Gillabrand and Cory Booker to thank them. Rasha what you are.


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