Bechasdei Hashem, many people who contracted COVID-19 have recovered and are now home, safe and sound, with their families.
In light of this, a question has arisen: Should survivors of COVID-19 bentch Gomel, reciting the bracha of Hagomel lechayovim tovos?
This shailah was posed to Maran Rav Chaim Kanievsky. Rav Chaim responded, “Only if there was danger to their life” during their illness.
With many people not davening with a minyan due to social distancing, it should be pointed out that Hagomel is to be said in the presence of ten adult men. The one bentching Gomel can be included as one of the ten.
{Matzav.com Israel}
Can u zoom hagomel
Rav Hershel Schachter paskened that you can. See the teshuva on Torahweb for the full background and rationale for that psak.
see Mishna Berura O”C 219:3 Biur Halacha there should be 2 Talmidei Chachomim at the minyan
the virus is a danger to the life for everyone who falls ill with Covid-19
Respectfully I would assume and suggest. Considering the strength of this virus/pandemic. Hopefully very soon when the horror is all over. Every one of us where in grave danger ‘life-and-death’
We should all bentch gomel when it’s over. No matter who. I speak philosophically not halachakly.
If one was hospitaliced for sure!
You don’t bentch gomel for an almost being in sakona. You bentch gomel if you were IN a sakona.
MAJOR difference.