Rav Chaim Kanievsky and his family have received threats from anti-vaxxers due to his stance in support of vaccinating children ages 5-11 to protect against Covid.
The threats have been made via telephone, emails and letters.
According to sources, perpetrators have even tried to break into Rav Chaim’s home on Rechov Rashbam in Bnei Brak.
Israeli Prime Minister Naftoli Bennett weighed in on the threats online, calling them “unfathomable.”
Meir Gross, from Rav Chaim’s household, remarked, “Some people are trying to intimidate the Sar HaTorah and his family to change his decision regarding vaccines, but he is nevertheless of the opinion that it is necessary to get vaccinated.”
{Matzav.com Israel}
How do we know that these are calls weren’t made by pro vaccine fanatic provocateurs?
because we all know how antivaxers act
Actually it was vaxed who are behind it after their loved ones died.
It’s for sure the pro vex .
No doubt about it
It’s one of the uses of reverse psychology to convince people that the right are wrong , and the wrong are right
You are missing the point.
This is a horrific bizayon of a Gadol Hador together with the desecration of Rav Shteymans kever.
Doesn’t matter which extremist group is responsible.
and putting out statements in the name of R’ Chaim that are fake (and potentially very dangerous to kids) is not bizayon haTorah??? We in America should all make a macha’a against these media outlets that spread propaganda videos that are a bizayon to true daas Torah and how a shayla is really asked. BTW R’ Chaim never took the covid vaccine.
Don’t believe everything you read in the news
The protests are against certain members of the family. Not against R’ Chaim, שליט”א. That’s a misleading title to the article.
As we all know, YNet and Naftali Bennett are truly reliable sources of this did information, because they truly love Chareidim.
The ones behind it were vaxed who sadly had loved ones that died from their folly.
Don’t believe everything you read in the news