Rav Chaim Mintz: Should I Buy Frog Cupcakes for My Children This Week?

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Rav Chaim Mintz: Should I Buy Frog Cupcakes for My Children This Week?



  1. While I’ll always take advice from talmidei chachomim especially someone as choshuv as R Mintz Shlita but with all due respect to whomever decided to make this non question into a question. This is a ridiculous question as it has no relevance to either halacha or hashkafa- two areas where one would typically ask a question. Its no difference as buying donuts on Chanukah, pizza for supper and cheesecake for Shavuos. Today, food is expensive and especially the ones mentioned, but it’s this simple; if you can afford it and it’ll make your kids happy then buy it for them, but if either you cannot afford it or your kids don’t care for it then don’t buy it.. it’s that simple… not sure why this became even a topic much less a question to daas Torah..


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