Rav Don Segal to Undertake Two-Week Chizuk Trip to the United States

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Rav Don Segal, the famed senior mashgiach from Eretz Yisroel, has embarked on a two-week Elul chizuk trip to the United States.

The trip comes after Rav Don received requests from rabbonim in Lakewood and beyond to come to America to be mechazeik people during this period in advance of the Yemei Hadin.

Rav Don is expected to speak at Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood and other mekomos haTorah.

In the past, several years ago, the mashgiach resided in the United States for lengthy periods of time. Now that he is again living full-time in Eretz Yisroel throughout the year, it is a special occasion that he has chosen to visit the United States for a multi-week trip.

Communities in Europe have also asked the mashgiach to visit them. It is indeed possible that the mashgiach will stop in Europe on his way back to Eretz Yisroel.



  1. Boruch shekayim bonu chachamim vtzadikkim. We are truly lucky to have the opportunity to welcome, learn from, and connect ourselves to this very great Tzaddik. Boruch Shechiyanu Vekiyimonu Lazman Hazeh. Chapp Arein!


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