WATCH: Rav Dov Kook: “There Is No Concern With the Words of the Song ‘Od Yoter Tov’”

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After a major controversy that was first covered in the English chareidi media by surrounding the song “Od Yoter Tov,” Rav Dov Kook, the tzaddik of Tiveriah, expressed his opinion about the song during a shiur on Emunah and Bitachon.

Rav Yekutiel Ohev Tzion shared the words of Rav Avraham Deutsch, rov in Maale Adumim, who said that the song is heresy, and presented the lyrics of the song to Rav Kook.

Aside from stating that there is “no concern with the words,” since the main goal is “chizuk” and there is no “intent for study,” Rav Kook further elaborated extensively, explaining that these words are indeed correct, and he explained the matter at length.




  1. This is such an important topic of bitachon.
    If anybody is able to transcribe the words of the Rav, it would be a big toeles harabim.

  2. תמיד אוהב אותי seems to be the song he’s talking about. It contains the lyrics “Od Yoter Tov” but it’s not the title.


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