It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the petirah of Rav Elya Fischer zt”l. He was 80 years old.
Rav Fischer was the rosh kollel of Ger in New York and served on the nesius of Agudas Yisroel of America.
Rav Elya was born in Bnei Brak on the 7th of Tammuz in 5701. His father was Rav Shlomo Zalman Halevi Fischer.
When he reached marriageable age, he married his wife, a daughter of the Rav Pesachya Refoel Shimon Friedman.
He traveled to the United States on a mission from the Lev Simcha of Ger and established the Gur Kollel in Brooklyn, which became a home for hundreds of bnei Torah and talmidei chachomim.
Rav Elya was a master maggid shiur and orator, addressing many large asifos and gatherings over the years, including the Siyum Hashas in New York.
In 1993, the Pnei Menachem of Gur appointed Rav Elya as a dayan on the Gerer bais din in the United States.
Rav Elya was known for his bekius and wide-ranging knowledge and was consulted by thousands.
He and his rebbetzin adopted the late Reb Bentzion Menachem Mendel (Mendy) Perlmutter, who had been orphaned at age 12 and died last year after a serious illness at age 37.
A decade ago, when Rav Elya became weak and ill, he immigrated to Eretz Yisroel, first living in Yerushalayim and for the past year in Chatzor HaGlilit. On Friday he was taken to Ziv Hospital in Tzefas, where he passed away.
The levayah was held at his home in Chatzor HaGlilit and then at the Gerer Bais Talmud Lehoraah on Rechov Harav Meltzer in Bnei Brak, followed by kevurah in the Segulah Bais Hachaim in Petach Tikva.
He is survived by his wife, Rebbetzin Rivkah Fischer.
Yehi zichro boruch.
{Matzav.com Israel}
I believe that the Beis Yisroel sent Rav Elya to America. He was born in 5701 (1941), not 5771. The Lev Simcha became Rebbe after the petirah of the Beis Yisroel in 1977, Rav Fisher was already in America.
I think maybe you mean 5701
BD”E, he was my Rebbe and he was an Odem Godal
Dear Editor,
When is it Ger when is it Gur? You have them both in the same sentence.
When is it Polish (the country), when is it polish (the shoe dye) and who really cares?
When is it Houston i.e. pronounced HoOston and when is it Houston as hoUse?
Authored a monumental sefer on Hilchos Shabbos “Birchas HaShabbos”.