Rav Gershon Ribner: Detecting the Signs of Loss of Religious Standards in a Spouse

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Rav Gershon Ribner, rosh kollel of Kollel Nesivos Hatorah and son-in-law of Rav Shneur Kotler, has succeeded in applying classical Talmudical analysis and methodology to understanding all areas of Yiddishkeit, bringing out its profundity and sense.



  1. Hebrew national is not treif. It has a hechsher and rabbinical supervision which is a higher standard than other.
    This rabbi should be made aware of the importance of higher standards and then some.

    • I once spoke to someone claiming he worked for many years for the organization supervising Hebrew National. Claims that they didn’t treat him well and they didn’t listen to him. He says it isn’t kosher and no standards. I can’t Vouch for what I heard but I don’t know how you have determined it has a higher standard. Did you visit the plant? Does it taste kosher or it’s marketing?

  2. The wife knows that if only her husband would realize that the Heimishe Hashgochos are not a drop better than the regular Hashgochos, he would never inconvenience her to go shopping elsewhere.

    • I hear you and disagree. I eat many Hashgochos that aren’t called Heimish. You can’t make a blanket statement. For example Orthodox Union Parive I don’t have an issue but for diary it’s not Cholev Yisrael. They are transparent so it’s not an issue. You can choose what purchase. Their are over 2000 different agencies and you can’t say it on all. You need to judge each one by it own merits.

  3. Not sure if the Hebrew National was just an “example” or a Guzma…

    But as someone who ( with Busha I say this) worked for a short while at some of their Factories…I can tell you it’s all Safek Navielah as they mix in a percentage of non kosher in the freezers…let alone the more lax standards of Shechitah ( some of the shochtim are actually “good” but we all knew the meat was “not for orthodox” ).


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