Rav Gershon Ribner, rosh kollel of Kollel Nesivos Hatorah and son-in-law of Rav Shneur Kotler, has succeeded in applying classical Talmudical analysis and methodology to understanding all areas of Yiddishkeit, bringing out its profundity and sense.
This new fad of insinuating that baalei batim are not benei torah should stop
Rabbi Ribbber says many times that when he uses the term baal habus he doesn’t mean some one who works rather a non Ben torah
I’m afraid this may the first time I actually agree with Rav Gershon.
Repugnant title. Balebatim can’t be Bnei Torah? Maybe you meant Bnei Yeshiva…
Give millions forTzedakah!!!!
There is so much more to be said on this subject.
For a true and complete answer I would advise the questioner and all bnei torah to learn the seforim, “Ben Torah for Life” and “‘ילקוט נועם ה”. Both of these seforim address this question at length and the mistaken assumption behind it.
One thing should be clear. Contrary to what some people were taught, we were not sent to this world to learn Torah, rather we were sent here to do רצון השם. The way to do רצון השם depends on each person and his individual circumstances. Life is not about “surpassing” anyone rather its about doing what Hashem wants from YOU and when one fulfills his individual tafkid he will undoubtedly be zocheh to the greatest schar in the world to come.
What would the R’ Gershon answer the questioner if instead of spending 12 hours daily at his job he was spending 12 hours daily collecting for a neighbor of his who is an almana and her children? Would he also find merit only in the shemiras ainayim or would he marvel at the mesiras nefesh to do an amazing mitzva of supporting an impoverished family?! Why then when one is doing what one is obligated to do al pee torah cant we give him credit for the amazing mitzva that he is doing every second, (עושה צדקה בכל עת) by supporting his wife (who bh is not an almana) and children?? Why have we forgotten the basics of what it means to be a true ehrliche yid??
100% true point !!
The chafetz chaim had a grocery store and did not have semicha till the end of his life when he wanted it to write the title Rabbi on a visa application.
Was the Chafetz chaim a Baal habayis?
Excellent point.