Rav Gershon Ribner, rosh kollel of Kollel Nesivos Hatorah and son-in-law of Rav Shneur Kotler, has succeeded in applying classical Talmudical analysis and methodology to understanding all areas of Yiddishkeit, bringing out its profundity and sense.
1. At what point does one become an Oni Hamhapech, just by calling the seller and giving an offer?
2. What’s if he is not an investor he is buying it as a home.
The din of עני המהפך only applies when there is already a contract, not just a bid. From what I recall.
Suspect that you are correct
This maybe true if the buyer offers the asking price so no other person is allowed to to offer a highr bid – Beyond the asking price. But if one makes a offer LOWER then the asking price there should be a isur to do that. Its like saying if you go to a store and offer 1.00 for a bottle of milk which the asking price is 3.00, there is no issur for anyone to come and buy it for 3.00. If someone is buying it for 3.00 and you offer 3.25 Thats a great issur.
Guys question also was if invester initially gives a very high bid that subsequently knocks out the poorer second guy.the first guy is driving the market through the roof and is only an investor while the poorer man needs the house for his family to live in.one is greed the other is need.that question was also included in the question.
In terms of the issur not really sure why if something is on the open market to the best offer why can’t someone make a higher offer too.not convinced that it’s the same as the gemarra 59a
These “Frum” house flippers in frum neighborhoods are rishaim arurim with no redeeming factor. They have the deepest part of gehenom waiting for them. I wish them the worst.
Calling someone a rasha can affect your parnassa.cursing them doesn’t get you far if you curse בני אברהם. He that blesses them will be blessed.cursing them is bilam’s profession.you can be upset.but to curse בני אברהם and not be afraid ,can make you כופר בתורת משה
So what’s the Din with the realtors who are telling the buyers to bid above the asking price (by alot of $$$) to start with?? Then telling the buyer that really wants it to up their bid???
That’s 100 percent muttar and should be encouraged.