Rav Gershon Ribner: Sharp Clashes Between Rav Moshe Feinstein and the Satmar Rov

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Rav Gershon Ribner, rosh kollel of Kollel Nesivos Hatorah and son-in-law of Rav Shneur Kotler, has succeeded in applying classical Talmudical analysis and methodology to understanding all areas of Yiddishkeit, bringing out its profundity and sense.



  1. The story of Rav Kook is clearly fake news. 1 Rav Moshe almost never looked at Acharonim, and would certainly not have spent time on Rav Kook’s Seforim. Never in Igros Moshe does he quote anything from Rav Kook. 2 Rav Zonenefeld did not write any seforim. All we have from him is some brief answers to questions asked by someone else. 3 Anyone who knows Rav Moshe at all knows that he would never say wich one of two contemporary Acharonim is bigger.
    Which leads us to wonder: Did Rav Ribner not chap the obvious, that this story is fake news, or does he chap, but chose to relate the story about Rav Moshe anyway
    Ditto for his made-up teshuva against the Satmar Rebbe, which presents the Gadol Hador as a clueless person.
    Or maybe, there is a third option which I am missing. Anyone have any way to be dan lekaf zechus?

    • This is a well known story .
      I`ve heard it from talmidim of Rav Moshe
      We all know that Rav Kook was bigger just look at what he wrote and whom he was consider a peer of in Volozhin .
      Are supposed to follow whomever is greater is Torah and let the Torah decide what we should do or do we follow whatever the masses thinks is the more persuasive and let the herd mentality rule .

      • How in the world can anyone know who was bigger, if Rav Zonenfeld didn’t write anything. The story probably originated in some coffee room, and then became a well-known story.

    • What’s Rav Ribbner’s leanings? If he identifies more with the Satmer Rebbe , then he may not properly know rav Moshe Zecher Tzadik v’kodosh livracha.

  2. I liked that story with the Satmar Rebbe meeting Reb Moshe for the first time at a Shiva house and what transpired afterwards. I had a good laugh.


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