Rav Gershon Ribner: Stories That Inspire Chassidim and Bore Misnagdim

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Rav Gershon Ribner, rosh kollel of Kollel Nesivos Hatorah and son-in-law of Rav Shneur Kotler, has succeeded in applying classical Talmudical analysis and methodology to understanding all areas of Yiddishkeit, bringing out its profundity and sense.



  1. I heard from Rav Don Ungarischer Ztz”l that the Satmar Rav had an hr or two every morning that he could not be bothered. You can imagine all the rumors about what he does at that time. When they came to tell him R’ Reuvein Grozovsky is ill, they decided to wait, but then came some lady and started screaming and the Rebbe opened the door and saw them too, and called them in. They said he had a מסכת בבא בתרא opened up to the big תוס’ בסוגיא דחרדל…

  2. No kidding…
    This “chasidim” and “misnagdim” thing ended 150 years ago (see kol kisvei chofets chaim, where is son says he heard tha from the chofets chaim).


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