Rav Meir Mazuz: ‘Those Who Go to War Are Guaranteed a Heavenly Wage’

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Thousands gathered in Bnei Brak to honor those who have fallen in the ongoing war. The event included the completion of 2,000 masechtos of Mishnah and Gemara, which had been learned over recent months in memory of the fallen.

Various rabbonim attended, including Rav Meir Mazuz, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Kisei Rachamim, Chief Rabbi Rav Dovid Yosef, and former Chief Rabbi Rav Yisroel Meir Lau.

In his speech, Rav Yosef addressed the topic of chareidi army enlistment, stating, “We care about the people of Israel. We feel the nation’s pain and study to merit the soldiers.”

Rav Mazuz spoke about the importance of remembering those who serve in battle, affirming that “their (heavenly) wages are guaranteed.”

He went on to say, “We are not here to discourage, we are here to support. All those who went to war, their wages are guaranteed both in this world and in the next. In this world they’ll be remembered and in the next world they will be paid immensely. In the merit of the Gemara that you studied, may Hashem give them a great place up above.”

The event was broadcast by the chareidi media and included heartfelt tefillos for the safety of hostages and soldiers on the front lines.

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. Rabbi Avigdor Miller ztl stated any Israeli soldier has a reward in olam Habo. This was years ago in his Thursday night classes.

    • Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l was referring to Torah learners: “The talmidei chachomim, they are the armies of Hashem. … I know it is a difficult thing to hear. Years ago I said this in public – I said that the yeshivos, that’s our army, that’s our artillery, that’s our navy, that’s our tanks – and Jews were incensed.”

  2. In his final year, Rabbi Avigdor Miller [ZTL ZYA] was asked:
    “Should we pray for the Israel Army?”

    In front of a large audience, including me, he answered:
    “If they are fighting to defend us,
    then we should pray for them.”


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