In recent weeks, hundreds of young men and yeshiva heads have been visiting the residence of the Slabodka Rosh Yeshiva Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch to seek his counsel on the pressing issue of the military draft, which stands at the forefront of the public agenda.
In the footage below, the Rosh Yeshiva is seen advising a group of talmidim from the Zahav Mordechai Itri yeshiva who had received draft notices and came to seek the Rosh Yeshiva’s guidance on what they should do.
In the footage below, questions are presented before the Rosh Yeshiva.
Rav Hirsch remarked, “They do not understand that the entire existence of Klal Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel depends on the sanctity within Klal Yisroel. Considering the state of the general, non-religious public in Eretz Yisroel—Heaven help us—it is, as the Ramban says, that Eretz Yisroel expels nations. The governance of the nation without sanctity is unsustainable. Only Klal Yisroel, with its sanctity and closeness to Hashem, justifies the Jewish presence in Eretz Yisroel. What justifies it? Only the sanctity of those who study Torah.
“Yeshiva students are not just studying Torah—you are not mere Talmud students. This is an all-encompassing way of life. You are working on your character traits, on your tefillah, on acts of kindness, on every aspect of Judaism, and of course, ‘Talmud Torah k’neged kulam.’ You are striving to grow and draw close to HaKadosh Baruch Hu, and this closeness to HaKadosh Baruch Hu is what sustains the entirety of Eretz Yisroel today. Understand this—once you comprehend it, it becomes clear.”
At this point, the Rosh Yeshiva shifted to speak halacha l’maaseh (practical halacha):
“This justifies the need to be draft evaders. What they want to do is destroy Eretz Yisroel—that is their goal. Not intentionally—they do not understand—but practically, this is what they are doing. If, Heaven forbid, they succeed in their aim to dismantle the Torah world, they will bring destruction upon Eretz Yisroel. You must understand that you are effectively upholding Eretz Yisroel. You are draft evaders—and you are allowed to be draft evaders! It is a mitzvah to be draft evaders!”
Rav Moshe Hillel concluded his remarks: “This is why it is critical to have yeshiva students in Eretz Yisroel. Know this: the existence of Eretz Yisroel depends on you. You must continue to study, to grow in Torah, fear of Heaven, good character traits, and acts of kindness. The entire survival of Eretz Yisroel depends on this. May HaKadosh Baruch Hu help you all to know this, to feel this, and to live this.”
{Matzav.com Israel}
This is one way to prevent State subsidies, or just plain appropriations and services, from reaching our communities in need. If that avenue is shut off, and also the avenue of taking decent-paying jobs in the private sector, there is a problem urgently in need of a fix. So, religious parties, was is that?
This is one way to prevent State subsidies, or just plain appropriations and services, from reaching our communities in need. If that avenue is shut off, and also the avenue of taking decent-paying jobs in the private sector, there is a problem urgently in need of a fix. So, religious parties, what is that?
They proved that not more than about 20% come back home religious from the army. Are State subsidies more important than your soul and the soul of your children?
Have fun when you try to leave the country!
Can someone tell me some pasuk from Navi that says fahrkert
Where are those chapter and verse Navi guys when I need them
You’re probably referring to the Koran or xtian Bible. Let us know in Tanach or in Gemara where it is stated that Jews should join a non-religious secular G-dless army.
Unfortunately, whatever country takes over the country of Israel, they will force all its residents to join their army. So we gain nothing.
Shtiqah can be a very powerful weapon in anyone’s politics. Only a shlimazzel will shout controversial policies. to make a few cheap points. Mitzot of Milhamas-Mitzva were not limited to the Doros of the Shofetim.