Rav Refael Nussbaum zt”l

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Rav Refael Nussbaum zt”l, the beloved mashgiach and maggid shiur in Yeshiva Ateres Hatorah in Yerushalayim and Yeshiva Medrash Yechiel in Beitar, was known by his past and present talmidim to be someone who cared for and understood every individual. His recent sudden petira from the terrible Corona virus has left his family, talmidim and friends in a shocked anguish. He was 63 years old.





Sadly his mother Mrs. Ayala Nussbaum, (who along with her husband R’ Moshe Yosef z”l, rebuilt their lives in Bnei Brak after they were saved from the Holocaust,) passed away just 3 days before him as she succumbed to the virus as well. Among his many attributes he was famed for his exemplary kibbud av v’eim.

He was known by his peers from Ponevezh and his neighbors of Yerushalayim’s Unsdorf area where he resided for the past 40 years, for his yiras shomayim, exemplary middos, and angelic patience. His Gemilas Chessed and Hachnosas Orchim was experienced by the many bochurim and girls who came to learn from abroad. He had an open house for them and rarely was there a Shabbos without a guest or two by the table.

He was a beloved mechanech who was a master in understanding bochurim. Where others saw lack of focus, he saw positive energy. Where others saw chutzpa, he saw strength and independence. He never gave up hope on a bachur, and helped people believe in themselves beyond their perceived potential. It’s no wonder that he was so successful, and that his talmidim and their parents fondly remember him even decades later.

Rav Refael’s passing has left a gaping and unfillable void. He leaves behind his devoted aishes chayil, Kiki  a beloved mechaneches in her own right, daughter of Harav Yosef zt”l and ybdlch”t  Mrs. Chana Segal (Schorr) from Bayit Vegan, and his beautiful family of Bnei Torah. Harav Yosef  was a great grandson of the Alter from Novaardok, for whom he was named.

May Hashem give them the strength to continue in his meritorious ways, and may we all be zoche that this horrible disease will be eradicated, and may we all live to see the coming of Moshiach.



  1. ה’ ינקום דמו May Hashem avenge his blood and may we merit to see יתמו חטאים מן הארץ

      • מה הקשר you’re asking? Are you sleeping? Do you think this flu/pneumonia came on its own? Don’t you know that this was a plannedemic? In October 2019, 3 months before the first country had it, Bill Gates, the CDC and WHO – Deep State criminals – had mentioned it on the media.

  2. This Nussbaum family has suffered their third tragedy this week from the Corona Virus. Great pple all around. His mother first then he was nifter. And now on thursday his brother in law; his sisters husband. Meaning, his sister is sitting shiva for her third time in a month. Hashem Yishmor! It all started when they were trying to take there mother away to protect her from the virus. Seems like they all caught it at once from each other.


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