He has to, because not everyone else considers it obvious. Some because they’re sick of the restrictions, some because they don’t know, and some because they don’t care. I hope that if they hear it from someone of R’ Shloime’s stature, they’ll listen.
he’s stating the obvouis
Does he agree to have a minyan or not, is he a 5 towner rabbi or not
He has to, because not everyone else considers it obvious. Some because they’re sick of the restrictions, some because they don’t know, and some because they don’t care. I hope that if they hear it from someone of R’ Shloime’s stature, they’ll listen.
The point is that he had put in many restrictions earlier, Those restrictions have now been removed
Which shuls are open in Toronto?
Which shuls are openning in Toronto?
Many shuls have already opened their doors
Yes he is, although this letter probably comes in response to complaints about people not adhering to the rules.
Mai Koh Mashmah lon ?????
No kiddush but yes weddings? I have yet to see a wedding with social distancing.
Which shuls in Toronto have opened. I am in Toronto and the government still has a 5 and 5 rule. No more than 5 for gathering