Rav Shmuel Eliyahu: Stop The 700th Of October

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By Rav Shmuel Eliyahu, Chief Rabbi of Tzefas

This evening, I received a chain of phone calls from parents whose children were murdered in an especially brutal manner. They received a notice that their child’s murderer is going to be released tomorrow from prison. Phone calls from spouses, siblings, and other relatives, each more painful than the previous.

These relatives know these brutal murderers well; they saw them in court more than once declaring to the judge that they do not regret the murder. These terrorists laugh in everyone’s faces and say that it does not matter what is decided in court – Hamas will ensure that they will be set free, and that on the outside, hundreds of thousands of shekels are waiting for them promised to them by Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas, every month to their bank accounts.

These relatives recall that most of the terrorists in question murdered in the past; they were imprisoned by Israel in the past; they were released in the reckless Shalit deal, returned to murder the victims’ family members, and now are being released a second time, with laughter on their faces and with victory in their hands and in their movements.

They have no doubt that these murderers will continue to murder Jews. These terrorists were taught that murdering Jews is the way to paradise, they will be greeted as heroes and martyrs. Every Palestinian youth will hear from these terrorists time after time that the most worthwhile thing in life is to murder Jews.

Responding to my question, these relatives say that this is not “allowing the devil to speak.” Whoever votes in favor of this deal brings the devil himself into the streets of Israel. Whoever votes in favor of this deal releases thousands of murderers into the streets of the State of Israel – murderers who tell us that it is not the seventh of October that awaits us, but the 700th of October.

This editorial first appeared at Israel National News.

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. This article discussed a chain of phone calls from parents who had their children killed by terrorists.
    What about the chain of visitors who went to Rav Zilberstien and they were crying that they want the hostages released? The Rav was crying along with them. I call that a real Rav.
    The best way to make sure that these terrorists will never again hurt us, Chazal offered us the best advice, we need to judge another Yid in a favorable manner, we need to increase tremendously peace and Shalom amongst us, zero Lashon HaRah, zero
    שנאת חינם

    • You comment could be read that Chacham Mordochai Eliyahoo is not as much a real Rav ( teacher) as Chacham Zilberman. Keeping in mind no one is really Samuch since Rav Ashi.

      Whilke Chacham Zilberman is CORRECT it’s neis for those who may be released ( and their families) on a personal level. it’s a Sakana on the level of the Kehila, and forbidden to let murder’s live ( let alone let them go) D’Oritia., and D’rabanan Assur to give to high a price to redeem captives.

    • Many more Jews were killed by released terrorists than the number of hostages. Should we be kind to the hostages at the expense of many more Jews being killed?

      • I’ve been saying this for months.

        400 dead soldiers and they managed to free 8 live hostages

        Seems like a horrible exchange

        It’s embarrassing to be connected with these Jews sometimes.

    • That’s weird, you tell us we must speak zero zero lashon harah but in the very same comment you write publicly negetavly on Rav Eliyahu, a chashuve Rav, ben tzadik, implying he’s not a “real Rav”.

      • I do agree with you that my wording should have been a little different.
        I would like to clarify that HaRav Shmuel Eliyahu is a Choshuve Rav and also my father had a
        with his father
        זכר צדיק וקדוש לברכה
        I truly meant to say that when you have a Rav crying, I look at it that it is a
        from Hashem that maybe we should take that approach and get the hostages out of that Geihinom.
        Thank you for making a point and I was able to clarify.


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