Rav Yitzchok Kaplinsky zt”l

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It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the petirah of Rav Yitzchok Kaplinsky zt”l. He was 83.

Rav Kaplinsky was a longtime beloved rebbi at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas in Kensington, Brooklyn.

A child in Shanghai during World War II, Rav Kaplinsky was a son of Rav Yisroel Kaplinsky zt”l, a talmid of Mir in Poland, whose shul in Far Rockaway he took over after his father’s petirah.

Rav Kaplinsky is survived by his wife, Mrs. Shulamis Kaplinskyand his children, R’ Aaron Kaplinsky, R’ Shlomie Kaplinsky and Mrs. Miriam Stern.

Yehi zichro boruch.



  1. I was his talmid over 3 decades ago. He was abso caring and devoted above and beyond the call of duty. Though I have rarely seen
    him during the last few decades, I still had a tremendous love for him. Yehi zichro baruch.

  2. I was his talmid over 3 decades ago. He was such a caring and devoted rebbe who went above and beyond the call of duty. Though I have not seen him much in the last 3 decades, He always held a special place in my heart and he always will. When I spoke to my older brother who was also a talmid of his, he had the same sentiments as I do. Yehi zichro baruch.

  3. Rabbi Kaplinsky Z”L was my Rebbe 50 years ago and every time I met him since then , even until this year, he would greet me as if he was still my Rebbe.
    He learned With my father every morning at 6:am in the Mirror minyan (16th Ave) until the day before my father was nifter (4 years ago). He was a wonderful person with a great personality.
    Yehudah Zichroi Boruch.

  4. BD”E
    A remarkable mechanech. He was my last Rebbe in Mesivta, before moving on to Beis Medrash, some 50 years ago. Easily the most animated and caring of my rebbeim. During shiur he would move all over the front of the classroom. He’s chiyus in, and love for Torah, was apparent the moment you met him. A caring, warm, selfless, and very likable person. He had a very special and saintly role model in his father, z”l, who too was a gavruh rabbuh.
    Yehi zichro baruch.
    The RS”O, in the words of the chahcham, has decided ” lirois baganim v’lilkoit shoishanim”. He is truly taking the best….Oi lanu

  5. Rebbi was 82 , a prince, such a mushlam, so full of energy, and although he was very close to reb moshe, and many gedolim of the previous generation when they passed on rebbe found new rabbeim and was mevatel himself totaly

  6. He was my rebbe 22 years ago. He was a good man who was good to me even though I disappointed him from time to time. I’m sure I’m not alone in this respect. May he continue to be good to us upstairs.


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