Rav Zilberstein: No Funding For My Kollel

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The renowned posek Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein, who serves as head of the Bais Dovid Kollel in Cholon, has also been hit by the government cut in yeshiva funding.

A notice at his kollel stated: “The supporters of Torah have diminished, the kollel’s funds are empty, and the holy Torah cries out, ‘If there is no flour, there is no Torah.’ Whoever remains at the Bais Dovid Kollel should know that, unfortunately, there is no source of payment. May Hashem bless those who provide beneficence to talmidei chachomim.

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. He is a very sincere person. He understands that it is more important for the American wealthy people to ensure that the Tashbar in America should be able to go to a Yiddishe Yeshiva.

  2. What about adopt a kollel , and the 107 million that they just raised in the USA ?

    There’s not an extra million laying around somwhe between both of these ?


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