Read It: New York City Shul Requires Covid Vaccination for Entry

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  1. Here we go again. No shot, no entry. Aiva. Chillul Hashem. Rodef. Rotziach. Plastic partition by bima. 10 feet between each table. Seal the bathroom door shut. Seal the sinks. No food allowed. No saying Kaddish. It’s a chiyuv to maaser on your friend. Must constantly have an angry look on your face.
    But to fly to Cancun on a packed plane is no problem.

  2. Have they been making kiddush on KoolAid?
    With 79% of Omicron cases being fully vaccinated individuals, what are they thinking.
    Get the vaccines. Get the boosters. That’s fine. Really. But don’t think for a second they are the answer. They are certainly not better than naturally acquired immunity. The two together are fantastic.
    But not permitting entry to a shul?!
    The first time around, it was the government (the malchus zadon). But now it is our own (the malshinim or meshumadim?)! Sad. Very sad.

  3. Obviously this shul is for the crazies who still think there’s a vaccine that will cure a made-up virus. I betya they all wear double masks and stand 8 feet apart.

  4. I am embarrassed to be a member of a people that have thrown GOD in the garbage

    and now worship at the feet of the CDC…shame on them..

    • The Frum yeshivish ones don’t. The minority extreme modern traditional ones do. Ruba diruba of menschen don’t carry on Shabbos here, B”H.
      The article however, is talking about Manhattan.


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