Reb Menachem Helfgott z”l, Senior Chossid of Kapytschnitz

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On Erev Shabbos, Asarah B’teves, Rev Menachem Helfgott z”l, the senior Chassid of Kapytschnitz, passed away at the age of 99. He was buried on Friday in the Yarkon Cemetery.

Reb Menachem was born in Austria on the 3rd of Adar in 1925 to his father, Reb Tzvi Helfgott, and his mother, Mrs. Nechama Helfgott.

In Vienna, he learned under the Rebbe of Kapytschnitz , and later continued on to the United States, where he was connected to the Rebbe. He spent periods of time with the Rebbe, particularly during Yomim Tovim.

After arriving in Tel Aviv, he formed a strong connection with the Rebbe’s brother-in-law, the Rebbe of Sadigura, the Abir Yaakov.

Throughout the years, he remained closely connected to his Rebbe, with a bond of deep affection and devotion, remaining loyal and spiritually connected until his petirah. Whenever he visited Yerushalayim, he would bring his kvittel to the Kapytschnitzer Rebbe, and he did not miss any opportunities to attend simchos or tishen with his Rebbe. Likewise, whenever the Rebbe visited Bnei Brak, he would visit Reb Menachem at his home. In fact, last Sunday, the 5th of Teves, on the yahrtzeit of the Abir Yaakov, after visiting the Rebbe’s kever at the Nachalas Yitzchak cemetery, the Rebbe traveled to Bnei Brak to visit Reb Menachem.

He merited to raise a wonderful mishpacha, with children and grandchildren following in his path of Torah and mitzvos. His son, Reb Yisrael, who was also a devoted Chossid of Kapytschnitz, passed away a few years ago. Since then, Reb Menachem’s health declined, but he remained strong in his emunah, always looking forward to seeing the continuation of his lineage.

Every year, on the night of the Seder, all of his descendants would gather around his table. Before starting the Seder, he would recount in detail the customs of the Seder night as practiced by the Rebbe of Kapytschnitz in America, where he had the privilege of being with the Rebbe during Pesach. He remembered every detail, and each year, he would pass on this tradition to his grandchildren with great excitement and precision.

Yehi zichro boruch.




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