Reb Sruly Bornstein Launches Brand New Mishnah Yomi Shiur

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Reb Sruly Bornstein needs no introduction to lomdei Daf Yomi. Or to lomdei Torah in general.

Reb Sruly delivers an energy infused Daf Yomi shiur, which has become one of the most listened to online Daf Yomi shiurim in the world. His shiurim are packed with a flavor of lomdus, halacha, machshava, hashkafa, and general knowledge related to the Daf.

Reb Sruly’s shiur is unlike anything else in its genre.

And now, in exciting news for lomdei Torah, Reb Sruly has begun a brand new Mishnayos shiur for the new cycle of Mishnah Yomi, which began today with Maseches Berachos.

While Reb Sruly’s Daf Yomi shiur is typically about an hour in length, the brand new Mishnah Yomi shiur of two Mishnayos a day is much shorter, packing in the two Mishnayos in approximately 10 minutes, featuring Reb Sruly’s classic hasbarah, clarity, summaries, and Reid Bites that are not to be missed.

To hear Reb Sruly’s Mishnah Yomi shiurim, download the All Mishnah app HERE or the Lakewood Daf Yomi app HERE.



  1. I’ve heard a lot about Reb Sruly’s Daf Yomi shiur in the past but never listened, as I am not learning Daf Yomi. How pleasantly surprised I was when I saw that he was one of the options on the All-Mishna App. I listened to his shiur on both the first 2 mishnos and then the 2nd two mishnos. Very very good. He explained it very clearly that even guys like me who have a problem concentrating was able to pick it up. Now I’m excited going forward be”h. I’m finally part of a learning Torah group! I will bl”n chazer it over a few times now on my own. Thank you Rabbi Bornstein for providing such a chesed for the tzibbur. May HKB”H bentch you with kol tuv selah!

  2. Seemingly the app is for Apple users and not Android users. Reb Sruly’s app on the Daf is Android friendly. It’s absolutely the best shiur out there bar none! The competition isn’t even close. But, from a technology standpoint, this Mishna Yomi shiur isn’t quite there yet.


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