Record Number Of Tourists Visited Israel In February

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israelA record number of tourists entered Israel last month, a bit of good news amid concerns that the tensions in the south might stem the flow of visitors over the busy Pesach season.

Some 232,000 foreign tourists visited last month – 6% more than in February 2011 and 4% more than in February 2010, the previous record for the month.

Particularly impressive this year was the 55% rise in the number of visitors who entered over land for a day. Last year, this segment suffered a sharp decline due to the unrest in Egypt.

The flow over the Egyptian border has bounced back, however, with 8,100 visitors crossing from Taba into Eilat in February, five times the number for the month last year.

Tourism Minister Stas Misezhnikov said his ministry would continue efforts to promote tourism to Israel, targeting developing markets in China, India, South Korea, Russia and South America.

{Haaretz, Yair Israel}


  1. This is excellent news. People are attracted to places of safety, dynamism, beauty and true connection. Throw in a bit of spiritual uplift and you’re on a winner. Tourism is a voluntary and highly discretionary choice. The global options for the cashed up traveller are numerous. The State of Israel has numerous attractions and can compete very well with other places.


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