Rep. Brooks: ‘Heads Need to Roll’ Over Afghanistan

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President Joe Biden is calling his administration’s efforts in Afghanistan a success, but Rep. Mo Brooks said Wednesday on Newsmax that he would “shudder to think what a failure” would have looked like, as he’s concerned about what led the president to make so many bad decisions.

“It couldn’t have gotten much worse than what occurred over the last couple of weeks,” the Alabama Republican said on Newsmax’s “National Report,” calling for an investigation about what information the president was receiving.

If that intelligence led to Biden’s decisions, “some heads need to roll,” Brooks said. “The people who are responsible for this debacle need to resign if they have honor.”

But if Biden states he’s primarily responsible for the “ineptitude and the loss of life” involved with the departure from Afghanistan, Brooks said he hopes Vice President Kamala Harris will invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.

“Quite frankly, in my judgment, Joe Biden no longer has the mental acumen that he once had,” said Brooks. “It’s unfortunate, but it’s clear that his mental status has deteriorated somewhat, rendering him less able to evaluate the myriad of facts that come to you [and to] sift through the good and the bad, determine what is good, and make a rational decision.”

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. …and adding all of the above to the fact that he’s not even the legitimate president, makes the case that he be removed. The problem is that Kamala Harris can’t take over as she is not legitimate either.

  2. Merrick Garland was told, in no uncertain terms, the Biden family is off limits. Never prosecute Joe and never prosecute Hunter. You work for the Bidens. If you step out of line, it won’t bode well for you. Garland is the most corrupt AG in our nation’s history.

  3. (Mr?) Biden never had any acumen. He is a no-backbone-pasty who can’t make up his mind about anything. He should not be removed with the 25th Amendment, HE SHOULD BE RECALLED, with the whole election INVALIDATED!

  4. The tolls on this war are unfounded. I do think that Washington could ever be clear its practical look at a world that did not let the Afghanistan men dawdle. They can fit themselves in only their world.


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