Republican To Join In Censure Of President Trump

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A Republican in the House of Representatives said he will join other lawmakers on Tuesday to introduce a resolution censuring President Donald Trump over the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol by the president’s supporters.

Republican Rep. Tom Reed said in a New York Times Op-Ed piece that he would also work to find ways for Congress to bar Trump from seeking federal office in the future.

“I intend to join with my House colleagues in the introduction of a censure resolution Tuesday to ensure accountability occurs without delay for the events of Jan. 6,” the New York Republican wrote.

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    • There are probably many many more than 1 RINO. Remember what Julian Assange said: When all is finally exposed, 98% of Washington will fall.

  1. Wait!

    some Republicans WON’t Censure Trump?

    What a morally bankrupt party. Forget putting party above country this is putting person above country

  2. Whatever happened to investigations ? what would happen if there was a fair and honest investigation and they found out the truth, that the president did not tell anyone to go to the capital and cause damage, in fact what he did say was that they should go PEACEFULLY ? I guess that doesn’t fit the Democrat Party agenda.

    What else doesn’t fit the democratic party agenda? Well how about the fact that they mayhem at the capital started before the president was even finished with his speech and if not, there wasn’t enough time for people to walk from the ellipse to the capital from the time the president finished his speech!

    Here’s something else to ponder. Where did the ones who caused the mayhem, I will call them the evil rent a mob, get all their weapons from? For whatever the reason was they must have prepared for it before and it obviously had nothing to do with what the president said!


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