Republicans Have A Growing Problem In Marjorie Taylor Greene

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Freshman Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) is increasingly becoming a liability for her GOP colleagues because of a string of controversies that have thrown the conference off message and led to repudiations by Republican leaders.

Greene, a Trump loyalist and unapologetic believer of the QAnon conspiracy theory, filed impeachment articles against President Biden on his first full day in office.

She has supported Facebook posts that called for executing Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and FBI agents, and in a video that re-surfaced this week is seen taunting the gun-control activist David Hogg a year after he survived the 2018 mass school shooting at his high school in Parkland, Fla.

Democrats are seizing on the controversies, hoping to make Greene the new face of House Republicans.

Read more at The Hill.



  1. She’ll be fine. Unlike the democrat party, where everyone must walk in lockstep with the commands of the DNC, the Republican party is all inclusive. The Republicans don’t discriminate against members with different views.

  2. “different views”. That’s a funny way to put it. Rep. Greene (Q-An.) is a dangerous lunatic, and she needs to be removed from Congress.

  3. It would have been really nice to have had a Jewish Space Laser to have focusd a low power beam on the outdoor backyard minyan I attended last Shabbat. I even know a non-Jew who without me asking volunteed to serve as a Shabbos Goy to help control it remotely.


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