RIDICULOUS IN 2025: NYC DOT Begins to Implement More Absurd 20 MPH Speed Limits

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The New York City Department of Transportation announced this morning via tweet that it will begin implementing a significant reduction in speed limits across the city. By the end of this year, hundreds of locations will see their speed limits reduced to a ridiculous 20 mph as part of a comprehensive initiative that the DPT claims is aimed at enhancing street safety.

This move is an extension of the city’s ongoing efforts to tackle traffic-related injuries and fatalities. As part of this initiative, the DOT has set a goal of lowering speed limits to 20 mph at a minimum of 250 locations throughout the city by the close of 2025.

The focus will be on areas with high pedestrian activity, particularly school zones and “Open Streets,” where the presence of walkers, cyclists, and children is most prominent.

The speed limit reduction is in line with the city’s Vision Zero plan, which strives to eliminate traffic-related deaths and create safer roadways for everyone, but puts a tremendous burden on motorists, who will continue to be ticketed for trying to drive at relatively normal speeds.



  1. It’s not clear why the website believes that this speed which is around a lot of children and other pedestrians is absurd. Maybe if you would stop speeding people would stop dying

    • It’s absurd because these same streets used to be 45mph, and there used to be less incidents. Ocean Parkway used to be 45mph. The only reason it’s so bad , is that no laws are enforced. Jaywalking is a traffic infraction that’s supposed get you a ticket. Today in NYC, Jaywalking is not only considered legal, but if you follow the laws you’re considered an abnormal person. Dropping the speed limit does absolutely nothing to enhance pedestrian safety. It has only encouraged more people to walk across streets with total reckless abandon. Today people even walk across highways like the FDR.

    • people aren’t dying due to driving 35 mph on Ocean Parkway If the speed limit was 10 mph, then you’d consider 15mph speeding? Pedestrians cant get their noses out of their phones when they are crossing streets. Life and a functioning society comes with risks

  2. Want to create safer streets, outlaw the scooters, mopeds and e-bikes.
    If they reduce the speed limit to 5mph imagine how many lives they’ll save then.

  3. Why is this ridiculous? Studies have shown that the 5 mph difference can save lives.

    This site loves bashing NYC any chance it gets.

      • The threshold for deaths significantly decreases from 25MPH to 20MPH. There is no material difference below 20MPH. There is significant research which supports this.

        • Nonsense. Your statement has no basis in facts.
          Furthermore, there are always choices made for the betterment and for the proper functioning of a society that comes with risks.
          The real threat to pedestrians are from the lawless mopeds and e-bikes that have zero regulation. 100% of the people using them have nothing to lose by driving recklessly.

      • You realize that mopeds and motorized scooters driven by unzere go as fast if not faster and maim people. I want to drive my SUV on the sidewalk at 50 mph, no speed limits on the sidewalk. Any issues?

  4. This plan should be renamed “Zero Vision”, because that’s exactly what the end-game vision is. Why don’t they just finish it off already and just declare all car ownership illegal…

  5. 20 mph is too slow. It begs for motorists to speed. Yes drivers need to be careful, but 20 mph when the streets are empty is ridiculous. I wonder if it is meant more as a money making deal as ppl get ticketed at 3 a.m, with no one in sight because they drive 30 mph.
    Less ppl would be in accidents if they didn’t walk in middle of the street right in front of a car or right behind you as you pull into a spot.

  6. Kudos to the city for doing this, they should even increase the amount of places where this traffic calming will take place. People are more important than cars, safety is more important than speed. The crazed motor vehicle drivers who need to speed, going nowhere fast, need to be learn how to live in a civilized manner, not continuing to be enslaved to their pollution-belching dangerous motor vehicles.

  7. Just start giving hefty fines and jail time for Scooters etc. , jay walkers and crossing the street while listening to your phone, crossing in the middle of a block, as well as regular bicycles mot following traffic rules and you will see traffic deaths reduced.

  8. We must get rid of the cars, trucks, etc., choking our streets with traffic, and our people with pollution. At least reduce the number significantly for starters.

    How can Moshiach come on his donkey with all this traffic? Can you imagine a poor man on a donkey on roads today? The crazed motor vehicle drivers would run him off the road, out of town, if he and his mount would escape alive and uninjured.

    This DOT plan may be a start, but not enough at all. Bring back life to our streets. Horses, donkeys, etc., as was in the days of our holy ancestors.

  9. I believe it’s all because they want to make driving so ridiculously difficult that people will give up and take public transportation. I’d rather be on the streets with a 70 mph speed limit than take public transportation.
    Another chunk of our liberty being stripped from us.

  10. Some myopic “frum” people are opposing these siecheldik safety measures. They would rather live live an unhealthy lifestyle in their dangerous polluting vehicles, becoming overweight and unhealthy due to a deficit of exercise, than give up them up. Sad.


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