Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) said Sunday that he respected Joe Biden and his decision not to seek re-election, a marked departure from the hostile tone adopted by other members of his party.
“I’m a classic Republican and he’s a classic Democrat; obviously, President Biden and I usually didn’t see eye-to-eye,” Romney said in a statement. “I opposed many of his initiatives. But we did find common ground on infrastructure, Ukraine, the Electoral Count Act, adding religious liberty protections to the marriage bill, gun safety measures, and chip manufacturing.’”
The Utah senator continued, “Others will judge his presidency. However, having worked with him these past few years, I respect President Biden. His decision to withdraw from the race was right and is in the best interest of the country.”
By contrast, Donald Trump’s running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance, seized on Biden’s announcement to call him “the worst president of my lifetime.” House Speaker Mike Johnson referred to the “disastrous policy failures of the Biden Administration” while taking a shot at Biden’s anointed successor: “The party’s prospects are no better now with Vice President Kamala Harris.” Read more.
RINOs were b”H dealt with.
Why is he a rino? He’s entitled to his opinion.
“I’m a classic Republican and he’s a classic Democrat; obviously, President Biden and I usually didn’t see eye-to-eye,”
This of course isn’t true. At this point both of them are pretty far to the left of what their parties classically were. Neither of them are popular figures in their own parties That is the common ground between them.
Romney who isn’t running again and very likely will vote for a Democrat has much less reason to criticize Biden.
Does Romney still tie his dog to the roof of his vehicle?
Why do so many Matzav readers seem to have a problem with decency and civility? Why do you feel so threatened by someone polite to his opponents?
Because Romney stabbed the voters in the back. He folded like a cheap camera in his debates against Obama. He was petrified of some transgender reporter calling him a racist. Romney threw the election.