RUFF NEWS: Bidens Bring a New Puppy to the White House

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There’s a new “first dog” in the White House.

President Joe Biden announced Monday he and first lady Jill Biden have a new puppy.

“Welcome to the White House, Commander,” Biden tweeted, along with a photo of what appeared to be a German shepherd puppy bounding in the grass.

The puppy’s presence was first reported by CNN’s Kate Bennett, who said the dog was spotted playing on the South Lawn of the White House earlier Monday and was a gift from Biden’s family to the president.

Biden later shared a short video of Commander adjusting to his new surroundings: greeting the president with a tail wag, walking into the White House, sitting down by a fireplace decorated for the holidays and catching a tennis ball thrown by the nation’s actual commander in chief.

The Bidens brought two other German shepherds to the White House this year: The older one, Champ, died in June at age 13. The younger one, Major, has been spending most of his time in Delaware after having bitten at least two people in the White House.

The Bidens had also indicated early on they had plans to adopt a cat, with Jill Biden going so far as to say that one – an apparent female – was “waiting in the wings.” However, no White House cat has yet materialized, much to the chagrin of the president’s feline-loving constituency.

(c) 2021, The Washington Post · Amy B Wang 



  1. What an amazing achievement! He has brought 3 dogs into the White House, with the fourth waiting for her turn.

    Canine Hooray, vechein yirbu haklovim!

  2. When a president had a pet before being elected then it’s understandable that it comes along to the White House.

    When a president has children living in the White House then it’s understandable that NEW pets would be brought into the White House.

    But why would a president with no children living with him find it necessary for him to get a new pet. If he is bored then how about he try running the country.

  3. “The younger one, Major, has been spending most of his time in Delaware after having bitten at least two people in the White House.”
    Seems to me that, with all these German shepherds that Biden has taken in, he has bitten off more than he can chew.
    Also, I believe that releasing Major on parole in Delaware was too lenient of a punitive measure for the dangerous canine. Other dogs commit similar acts of violence, and they receive stiff punishments, but the privileged Major is released without even a slap on the wrist.
    Double standard.

  4. President Biden is thee most transparent President in our Nations history. See, he didn’t try to cover up the fact that Dr. Jill got him a new dog. He wanted the American people to be well aware of that. He also wants the American people to know that his favorite ice cream is vanilla with colored sprinkles on top. He now wants you all to know that he’s taking a nap and won’t be taking any of your negative racist homophobic questions.

  5. Poor Champ expired right after his bark mitzva, nebich.
    Jill’s talk about getting a female feline is basically along her husbands picks for government positions, as long as it will be a black female cat. A promise is a promise.


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